Layers, a workshop on ubiquitous publishing at Ualuba

Layers, a workshop on ubiquitous publishing at Ualuba

  We will be at Ualuba, in Brescia, Italy, on May 19th-20th for LAYERS, an intensive workshop on Ubiquitous Publishing.   LAYERS SALVATORE IACONESI & ORIANA PERSICO May 19+20 2012 16 hours / 2 days / 1 week from 9am to 6pm intensive workshop...
Digital Manual at the University of Edinburgh

Digital Manual at the University of Edinburgh

We have recently been involved in a research project based at the University of Edinburgh and led by Smita Kheria and Penny Travlou dealing with the investigation of models of emergent multi-authored publications employing open source and co-creative practices. The...
Updates on VersuS, the realtime lives of cities

Updates on VersuS, the realtime lives of cities

For all you realtime data lovers, a short update on the VersuS project. Valentina Tanni has just prepared an article about artworks using the possibility to listen to emotional expressions on social networks (in the specifics, love), mentioning VersuS among the...
VersuS, a conference about the realtime lives of cities, a video

VersuS, a conference about the realtime lives of cities, a video

Latest updates on the VersuS project, observing and analyzing the realtime lives of cities, as seen through social networks and ubiquitous devices. A video has just been published of the VersuS conference held for the Piemonte Share Festival 2011 at the Officine...
FakePress Publishing at MFRU Festival in Maribor present REFF

FakePress Publishing at MFRU Festival in Maribor present REFF

From November 11th to November 26th 2011 FakePress Publishing and REFF RomaEuropa FakeFactory will be in Maribor, Slovenija, for the 17th edition of the MFRU festival (Mednarodni Festival Racunalniskih Umetnosti). Here is the website for MFRU2011. At the festival we...
VersuS: love vs turin, visualizing the realtime lives of cities

VersuS: love vs turin, visualizing the realtime lives of cities

VersuS: love vs turin, visualizing the realtime lives of cities from salvatore iaconesi on Vimeo. How do people express their emotions on social networks? Information has become ubiquitously accessible, thus transforming our perception of cities and of the ways we...
Leaf++ an augmented reality concert for leaves (the making of)

Leaf++ an augmented reality concert for leaves (the making of)

This video shows the setup of the Leaf++ augmented reality performance. This is the second component of the Leaf++ project, a collaborative environment which uses computer vision and augmented reality to recognize and identify leaves, allowing to use them to share...
Leaf++, a video of the first prototype

Leaf++, a video of the first prototype

Leaf++ is an augmented reality and computer vision system which uses smartphones to recognize leaves found in the natural environment. In this first promo video you will see some basic features of the system, embedded into a social network in which users share...
Leaf++ at Designs on E-Learning, in Finland

Leaf++ at Designs on E-Learning, in Finland

Leaf++ will be presented at the Designs on E-Learning conference in Helsinki, Finland. From the conference website: Future Learning Spaces The notion of space regains fresh momentum every time we interact with the world around us. As mobile devices weave into the...
Leaf++  at ISEA 2011, Istanbul

Leaf++ at ISEA 2011, Istanbul

Together with FakePress Publishing we will be at ISEA 2011 in Istanbul to officially present for the first time Leaf++ A paper will be presented in the panel “Digitization of Biological Data”: “Microscopic transformations: scientific visualization,...
Microcucina with the Fooders at Streamfest 2011

Microcucina with the Fooders at Streamfest 2011

are you hungry? Food is at the center of our lives and it is a very powerful thing: when we talk about food we talk about ecology, nature, environment, global economies, pollution, energy, health, love, family, sex, tradition, innovation. Many people also talk about...
Leaf++ on Parsons Journal for Information Mapping

Leaf++ on Parsons Journal for Information Mapping

Leaf++, the Augmented Reality system for leaves created together with FakePress Publishing has been recently published on Parsons Journal for Information Mapping, Volume 3, Issue 3. The project will be officially be released during our presence at ISEA 2011, in...
LivePerformersMeeting in Minsk! Sept 22-25 2011

LivePerformersMeeting in Minsk! Sept 22-25 2011

Get ready! Be quick! we’re launching the next edition of the LPM, the Live Performers Meeting: in Minsk, Belarus, on Sept. 22-25 2011. AOS will be coordinating the Sensible Data section of LPM: for this section the call is open to everyone who works with...
the Electronic Man: After the ADD Festival

the Electronic Man: After the ADD Festival

Just back from the ADD Festival at the MACRO Contemporary Arts Museum of the City of Rome, in Testaccio, where we exhibited the Electronic Man (remember?) Here is a short report through images and videos. This is a general overview of the installation through which we...
The birth of the Electronic Man

The birth of the Electronic Man

Something wonderful is about to happen. 100 years after McLuhan’s birth we all have the chance of becoming part of the body and mind of the Electronic Man. The happy event will take place in Rome, on May 31st, 2011, during the celebration of McLuhan’s...
the Next step of publishing at the Salone del Libro in Turin

the Next step of publishing at the Salone del Libro in Turin

REFF, RomaEuropa FakeFactory and FakePress will be at the Salone del Libro in Turin on May 13th, at 6pm to discuss the next step of publishing, at the crossroad of augmented reality, ubiquitous media and innovative cross media. here are the complete details of the...
Museums at Play

Museums at Play

  FakePress and Art is Open Source contributed a chapter to the book Museums at Play, about playful augmented reality solutions for museums. The chapter is called “Toys++”, and it is written by Salvatore Iaconesi and Luca Simeone. The Toys++ project...
We all turned 4

We all turned 4

AOS and FakePress will be presenting REFF, RomaEuropa FakeFactory at the launch party for Firefox 4, in Rome, on April 15th 2011 learn everything about the event by clicking HERE
Leaf++, leaves, nature and augmented reality

Leaf++, leaves, nature and augmented reality

  We just published an article on Media Duemila describing the Leaf++ system we will publish with FakePress at IESA 2011 in Istanbul. Leaf++ is an augmented reality application that lets you get information about the natural environment around you. It uses...
Cross media design at La Sapienza University

Cross media design at La Sapienza University

This year, again, FakePress will be holding courses in Interaction Design at La Sapienza University of Rome, at the Faculty of Architecture, Department of Industrial Design. The courses are: “Experiments in Multimedia Technologies and Communications” held...
MACME on WordPress

MACME on WordPress

  the MACME plugin is now available as a standard WordPress plugin. Click HERE to go to the WordPress site and download MACME. This means that you can now go to your WordPress blog and search for “MACME” directly in the plugin search box, and install...
An Augmented Reality Drug

An Augmented Reality Drug

back from London, here are some more info about the event held at Furtherfield Gallery, to present REFF RomaEuropa FakeFactory and the Augmented Reality Drug. our wonderful friends at Shoot4Change came to see the exhibit and took these wonderful pictures about the...
REFF in London – the opening @ Furtherfield

REFF in London – the opening @ Furtherfield

News from REFF in London, at Furtherfield The Opening of the exhibit took place in a wonderful atmosphere. We were happy to see new and old people interested in the fake institution, its education program and its newly created Augmented Reality Drug. We managed to...
REFF – workshop at Writtle College, Feb. 21th 2011

REFF – workshop at Writtle College, Feb. 21th 2011

REFF in London with Furtherfield on Feb. 21th 2011 REFF (with AOS, Art is Open Source, and FakePress) held a workshop in Essex at Writtle College. The theme of the workshop was the reinvention of reality through critical practices and ubiquitous technologies. During...

REFF – workshop at Westminster College, Feb. 22th 2011 (

REFF in London with Furtherfield on Feb. 22th 2011 REFF (with AOS, Art is Open Source, and FakePress) held a workshop in London at Westminster College The theme of the workshop was the reinvention of reality through critical practices and ubiquitous technologies....
REFF – workshop at Westminster College, Feb. 22th 2011

REFF – workshop at Westminster College, Feb. 22th 2011

REFF in London with Furtherfield on Feb. 22th 2011 REFF (with AOS, Art is Open Source, and FakePress) held a workshop in London at Westminster College The theme of the workshop was the reinvention of reality through critical practices and ubiquitous technologies....
REFF Augmented Reality Drug

REFF Augmented Reality Drug

REFF’s augmented reality doctor presents: REFF A/R Drug REFF A/R Drug is a powerful compund, mixing technologies, practices and neurostimulating ecosystems, and it allows you to reinvent your reality. learn more by visiting:
REFF – radio show at Resonance FM, Feb. 16th 2011

REFF – radio show at Resonance FM, Feb. 16th 2011

REFF in London with Furtherfield on Feb. 16th 2011 REFF (with AOS, Art is Open Source, and FakePress) was guest of the radio show at Resonance FM we had a chance to describe our current project in London and all over the world, to present and invite all the audience...

REFF @ Southbank University in London

the video of the presentation we held in Southbank University in London: read here more information about this series of workshops/lectures, and grab the info, documentation and software
REFF in London @ Goldsmiths University with Furtherfield

REFF in London @ Goldsmiths University with Furtherfield

While in London we are starting our actions toward the diffusion of critical practices that use ubiquitous technologies to enact autonomous, free forms of expression. Today we have been at Goldsmiths University to perform a workshop on the REFF project and to present...
CoS, Consciousness of Streams, after Transmediale.11

CoS, Consciousness of Streams, after Transmediale.11

Just back from transmediale festival in Berlin we present you with the first results of the CoS, Consciousness of Streams project. CoS, Consciousness of Streams has been an incredible experience! CoS is a cross media publication by FakePress creating a realtime,...
CoS – Consciousness of Streams

CoS – Consciousness of Streams

CoS, Consciousness of Streams is about to start! We’ll be at transmediale in just a few hours, setting up all the components of CoS, which will be a performance, a series of workshops, an invasive into our streamed lives, and an evolving emotional map of the...
Aumentiamo! REFF @ CS Cantiere in Milan

Aumentiamo! REFF @ CS Cantiere in Milan

REFF will be at the CS Cantiere in Milan on January 21st 2011 for a small presentation / workshop on the cross media platforms that we will be using for our next actions and an AR installation. We will be showing how the cross-media CMS created for the REFF book...
CoS, Consciousness of Streams

CoS, Consciousness of Streams

In just a few days we will be at transmediale in Berlin, to create CoS: Consciousness of Streams! CoS will be something that we’re calling a cognitive virus on the festival, as it will be a cross-medial, emergent, performative, multi-author publication created...
Bruce Sterling and Jasmina Tešanović present REFF

Bruce Sterling and Jasmina Tešanović present REFF

We will be together with Bruce Sterling and Jasmina Tešanović in Rome during the next few days. Just back from Brazil, Bruce and Jasmina have been so nice to dedicate some of their time to help us out in spreading the news about the REFF Book, just published by...
New scenarios for education and action: back from Milan

New scenarios for education and action: back from Milan

Just back from the Always Already New conference in Milan. (here the abstracts of the contributions to the conference) The conference subtitle “Thinking Media, Subversing Feeling, Scaffolding Knowledge: Art and Education in the Praxis of Transformation”...
Knowners WordPress Plugin: new Version

Knowners WordPress Plugin: new Version

the Knowners WordPress plugin allows you to transform link collections and your WordPress blogs into interactive visualizations of knowledge networks. A new version of the plugin has just been released by FakePress and Art is Open Source. The main enhancement of the...
FLUXUS boxes, augmented reality and innovative publishing

FLUXUS boxes, augmented reality and innovative publishing

FLUXUS was a variable group of artists working in what has vastly been called Neo-Dada and visual arts, but really worked intermedially across visual arts, design, video, music, performance and architecture. Vastly inspired by the work of John Cage and, in a way,...
AOS and FakePress @ PubliCamp 2010

AOS and FakePress @ PubliCamp 2010

we will be at the third edition of the PubliCamp in Bari, Italy on the 1st, 2nd and 3rd December 2010. Public Camp 2010 – spot #1 from FF3300 on Vimeo. We will discuss the scenarios for communication and publishing with FakePress and we will bring with us little...
REFF, RomaEuropa FakeFactory: next step

REFF, RomaEuropa FakeFactory: next step

REFF RomaEuropa FakeFactory is back. A book is coming out in Italy (and an international version is following soon, before the end of the year) together with the next step in our action in favor of better innovation policies andpractices for arts and culture. During...
ESA Conference 2010 @ Bocconi University

ESA Conference 2010 @ Bocconi University

We have recently been at the ESA Conference 2010 “Culture and the Making of Worlds” held at the Bocconi University in Milan during October 2010. The conference is one of the main events in the global research scenario of sociology. It is held by the...
New Media Book: a workshop on the next-steps of publishing

New Media Book: a workshop on the next-steps of publishing

FakePress and Art is Open Source will present a workshop titled “Next-step publishing: ubiquitous, disseminated, emergent, multi author narratives” [program and info at the bottom of the article] We can transform any space or surface into a display using...
Squatting Supermarkets @ Robot Festival, Bologna

Squatting Supermarkets @ Robot Festival, Bologna

Augmented Reality can create opportunities for critical reinvention of the world. Squatting Supermarkets uses augmented reality to break open the codes of commercial communication on the products we use every day. By taking a picture with your mobile phone to the logo...
Squatting Supermarkets, new interfaces and project development

Squatting Supermarkets, new interfaces and project development

A new interface for the squatting supermarkets installation was featured recently at the SMIR project. Traditional products were added to the system, documenting their history, sustainable production processes and ecologic impacts. by FakePress, Art is Open Source...
Toys++ at ICALT in Tunisia

Toys++ at ICALT in Tunisia

Art is Open Source, together with FakePress have recently participated at the ICALT conference, International Conference on Advanced Learning Technologies. We presented Toys++, an augmented reality system allowing you to apply digital contents to the toys people (and...
a video Atlante di Roma / Atlas of Rome

a video Atlante di Roma / Atlas of Rome

our friend and magician filmmaker Gianmarco Bonavolontà produced this video of the Atlas we produced for the Festa dell’Architettura a few days ago, a large scale interactive installation for public spaces. Atlante di Roma / Atlas of Rome from gimbo on Vimeo....
How to make a presentation with Augmented Reality using Processing

How to make a presentation with Augmented Reality using Processing

AT IAR2010 we did our presentation using a simple-simple software which I wrote using Processing. The software was written in a hurry in a single afternoon, so it turned out not being a general purpose utility, and being more a single-shot program usable to address...
AOS and FakePress present “Critical AR Ensemble” at IAR2010

AOS and FakePress present “Critical AR Ensemble” at IAR2010

Art is Open Source and FakePress participated to IAR2010, the first italian event totally dedicated to the themes of Augmented Reality, organized by the folks at JoinPad at the Milan headquarters of the Hub. The event was truly interesting as it covered a wide range...
Atlas of Rome @ Festa dell’Architettura, Index Urbis, Rome

Atlas of Rome @ Festa dell’Architettura, Index Urbis, Rome

Art is Open Source and Fake Press will be presenting an enormous interactive infoaesthetic environment at the Festa dell’Architettura of Rome, from the 9th to 12th of June 2010. The interactive environment is named “Atlante di Roma” (Atlas of Rome)...
Squatting Supermarkets in Mondovì – lecture and presentation

Squatting Supermarkets in Mondovì – lecture and presentation

A photo report of the presentation and lecture we held in Mondovì to present Squatting Supermarkets, in joining the SMIR european project. The art performance, technological platform and research process have all been presented to the local audience and to a few...
Holophony @ La Sapienza University in Rome

Holophony @ La Sapienza University in Rome

Here is a picture report of the lecture we held at La Sapienza University in Rome about Holophony more info here: AOS, FakePress and Ossigeno present Holophony at La Sapienza University in Rome
Squatting Supermarkets @ Mondovì

Squatting Supermarkets @ Mondovì

On Friday May 5th 2010 Art is Open Source , FakePress and The Hub Roma will be in Mondovì together with the Piemonte Share Festival and associazione Marcovaldo to present the next steps of the Squatting Supermarkets / iSee project. Squatting Supermarkets is one of the...

Holophonics & Design

FakePress and Ossigeno in collaboration with the course on “Multimedia Technologies and Communications Experimentations” at the Faculty of Architecture “Ludovico Quaroni” – La Sapienza, Università di Roma, Department of Industrial Design...

Knowners, a link sharing plugin for WordPress

Art is Open Source and FakePress just released Knowners a link sharing plugin for WordPress. Knowners is a WordPress plugin developed by FakePress and Art is Open Source to setup an effective link publishing website. The plugin is still in beta, but it already offers...

teaching, education, interaction and real politics

At FakePress we have just started teaching 3 courses on Interaction Design at the Faculty of Architecture of Rome’s University “La Sapienza”. We will use these courses as an opportunity to enact what I can only refer to as “the most...

Publishing emotions

I was always facinated by We feel Fine by Jonathan Harris and Sep Kamvar. The possibility to design using emotions has always intrigued me and, yet, it seemed like an unachievable task. The notion of being able to identify emotions in an automatic (or assisted) way is...

Squatting Supermarkets, cortocircuito [italiano]

“Vuoi mangiare? Dimmi una storia.” Il cibo è la sede di innumerevoli storie: di persone, luoghi, tempi, relazioni. C’è, nel presente, una sostanziale distanza tra noi e le storie del cibo. Una distanza percettiva, estetica, di visibilità. Il cibo...

Squatting Supermarkets @ Scighera, Milan

getting ready for Squatting Supermarkets at la Scighera, in Milan Sunday, January 24th 2010 – 21:00 –...

Squatting Supermarkets at Eataly

Art is Open Source interviews Dino Borri from Eataly Turin about the possible uses of Augmented Reality and other technologies to inform consumers and enact critical practices. more info on Squatting Supermarkets here: Squatting Supermarkets Squatting Supermarkets...

Squatting Supermarkets presented at AHAcktitude 2009

Squatting Supermarkets was presented at AHAcktitude 2009 Here are the slides (they’re mostly pictures of the installation/software/performance) Squatting Supermarkets View more presentations from xdxd. And here are some videos from the event: for more info:...

Conference BioFeedback @ Consciousness Reframed X

Art is Open Source is going at Consciousness Reframed X conference organized by the Planetary Collegium in November 2009 at the Macromedia University of Applied Sciences in Munich. We’ll be there from November 19th to 21st. We will present the Ubiquitous...

Squatting Supermarkets – reports and next steps

Just recovering from the enormous effort put in setting up, performing and taking down the Squatting Supermarkets at the Piemonte Share Festival 2009, “Market Forces”. Several thousands visitors, hundreds of customized food cans, hundreds of QRCodes...


We’re set! Squatting Supermarkets is all installed and it is about to start. There will be a continuous interaction with the people at the Share Festival, both friends and visitors, and all the technical and curatorial crew. It will be part documentary, part...

Squatting Supermarkets

Squatting Supermarkets I Buying, wearing, eating, using. Our lives are full of objects of which we know very little about. Shop’s and supermrket’s shelves only tell partial stories made from companies, efficient productions, happy farmworkers laying down...

Squatting Supermarkets (italiano)

Squatting Supermarkets I Comprare, indossare, mangiare, usare. Le nostre vite sono piene di oggetti di cui sappiamo realmente poco. Gli scaffali di negozi e supermercati raccontano storie parziali, fatte di aziende, di produzioni efficienti, di contadini felici che...


Great News for REFF, RomaEuropa FakeFactory! RomaEuropa Web Factory’s second edition is about to start up. REFF attended the press conference held at the Opificio Telecom in Rome, on Wednsday September 16h 2009, to check out the informations that were being...