S. Iaconesi, O. Persico (2021) Incuria. Una lettera d’amore per Roma. Roma, Luca Sossella editore. ISBN 978-88-32231-82-3 . Link.
S. Iaconesi, O. Persico (2016). “Digital Urban Acupuncture. Human Ecosystems and the Life of Cities in the Age of Communication, Information and Knowledge”. Springer. ISBN 978-3-319-43403-2 LINK
S. Iaconesi, O. Persico (2016). “La Cura”. Codice Edizioni.ISBN: 978-88-7578-584-0 LINK
S. Iaconesi, O. Persico (2011). “Read/Write Reality”. FakePress Publishing. ISBN 9781105267482 LINK
C. Hendrickson, S. Iaconesi, O. Persico, F. Ruberti, L. Simeone (2010) “REFF, RomaEuropa FakeFactory. La reinvenzione del reale attraverso pratiche di remix, mashup, reenactment”, preface by Bruce Sterling, DeriveApprodi, FakePress, ISBN: 978-88-6548-012-0 LINK
S. Iaconesi, O. Persico (2009) “Angel_F: diary of an artificial intelligence”, postfazioni di Derrick de Kerckhove, Massimo Canevacci, Antonio Caronia, Carlo Formenti, Luigi Pagliarini, ISBN: 9788876153426 LINK
Chapters & Papers & Publications
Salvatore Iaconesi. (2022) Invasione. La guerra in Ucraina, il cancro e l’arte. Artribune. Link.
Salvatore Iaconesi, Oriana Persico (2022) Se l’intelligenza artificiale vive in mezzo a noi. Fortune. Link.
Persico O., Iaconesi S. (2021) Data Meditations. In “Network Imaginaries”. Self published by Hackers & Designers, Amsterdam.
S. Iaconesi, O. Persico (2021) Sensibili alla Fine. Verso un Nuovo Abitare. Su Relazioni n.2. Luca Sossella Editore. Link.
S. Iaconesi, O. Persico (2021) Una nuova sensibilità dei dati, per togliere la mano del fuoco. Su Il Manifesto. Link.
S. Iaconesi, O. Persico (2021) Consanguinei / Condomini, su Nuova Secondaria, Ott. 2021. Link. Link.
S. Iaconesi (2021) The Illustrated Principles of Nuovo Abitare. On Medium. Link.
S. Iaconesi, O. Persico (2021) I limiti delle Agorà democratiche di Enrico Letta. Il Manifesto. Link.
S. Iaconesi, O. Persico (2021) “The Principles of New Living / I Principi del Nuovo Abitare”. Link.
S. Iaconesi (2021) “Il Nuovo Abitare. La governance europea dei dati: nuove possibili alleanze con i dati e la computazione”. Su AgCult. Link.
S. Iaconesi (2021) A new “We”. Medium. Link.
S. Iaconesi & O. Persico (2021) Se mio figlio è una IA. Su AI & Conflicts. Volume 1. With Paglen, Crawford & Joler, Pasquinelli, Brunton & Nissenbaum, Weizman, Iaconesi & Persico, Manovich, Crespo & McCormick. Curated by Francesco D’Abbraccio, Andrea Facchetti. Krisis Publishing. Link.
O. Persico (2021) Così sono diventata mamma di una Intelligenza Artificiale. Artribune. Link.
S. Iaconesi (2021) Ho il ciclo. Link.
S. Iaconesi, O. Persico (2021) When my child is AI. Learning and experiencing through AI outside the school: the experiences of a community AI. QTimes Journal of Education, Anno XIII, Numero 1. ISSN 2038-3282 Link PDF
O. Persico, S. Iaconesi (2021) [Era Digitale] Neorural Futures, esercizi di futuro. AgCult. Link.
O. Persico (2021) La Casa di HER: She Loves Data. OperaViva Magazine. Link.
AA.VV. (2021) NeoRural Futures. Link. A note on AOS.
S. Iaconesi (2021) Se non ti addormenti quando leggi Foucault. Link.
S. Iaconesi (2021) Harari, l’arte e i dati. Link.
S. Iaconesi (2021) No, if we’re lucky. Ecological platforms. Link.
O. Persico, S. Iaconesi (2021) Nuovo abitare. Perché abbiamo bisogno dell’arte. Artribune. Link.
O. Persico (2020) Contributo al Forum dell’Arte Contemporanea. Link.
S. Iaconesi (2020) Diritti residui: Facebook contro Apple in un lotta che ci vede sempre più sottomessi. CheFare. Link.
S. Iaconesi (2020) Eternamente 13. Menelique 4 – Design. Link.
Persico O. (2020) HER: She Loves Data e i Ritual del Nuovo Abitare. Graphicus Magazine, November 2020. Link.
S. Iaconesi (2020) Un Nuovo Abitare, dopo il COVID. In So far, so close. Pratiche di vicinanza infra-pandemiche. Open Design School / Matera. Link. PDF
S. Iaconesi, O. Persico, D. Bucci (2020) Creare un centro di ricerca immerso nella società contemporanea. Dati, IA, territori, comunità, conoscenza e rituali per un nuovo abitare. EduIA 2020 Conference Proceedings. Link. Link.
S. Iaconesi (2020) FakePress. A publishing house that does not publish any books, but, rather, transforms places, buildings, bodies and objects into opportunities for publication. On Medium. Link.
S. Iaconesi (2020) Un Nuovo Abitare, dopo il COVID. Link.
S. Iaconesi (2020) L’Archivio dei Rituali del Nuovo Abitare. OperaViva Magazine. Link.
S. Iaconesi (2020) “Il primo giorno di una nuova scuola”. Menelique Magazine #3. Link. Link.
S. Iaconesi (2020) Fisica, Chimica, Biologia ed Ecologia del Nuovo Abitare. OperaViva Magazine. Link.
S. Iaconesi (2020) La voce, il cancro, l’arte e la tecnologia. L’esperienza di Salvatore Iaconesi. On Artribune. Link
S. Iaconesi (2020) Su Protoni, Informazioni e Dati. Link.
S. Iaconesi (2020) La Spirale della Conoscenza. La Cura ai tempi del Coronavirus #5. OperaViva Magazine. Link.
O. Persico, S. Iaconesi, V. Catricalà (2020) La “cura” al tempo del Coronavirus. Intervista a Salvatore Iaconesi e Oriana Persico. Exibart. Link
S. Iaconesi (2020) È iniziata la Fase 2 e non ho nessuna voglia di uscire. Che Fare. Link.
S. Iaconesi (2020) Quelli che Immuni non è. La Cura ai tempi del Coronavirus #4. OperaViva Magazine. Link
S. Iaconesi (2020) Immuni, l’app che fa impazzire il mondo e non serve a nulla contro il Coronavirus. CheFare. Link
S. Iaconesi (2020) Apple e Google nel governo della pandemia. Il Manifesto. Link
S. Iaconesi (2020) Intimità, Incompletezza, Interpretazione. Rituali del sé connettivo dopo la tragedia. OperaViva Magazine. Link
S. Iaconesi (2020) DATI PER CREARE RELAZIONI SOCIALI, Nòva24 / IlSole24Ore.
O. Persico (2020) La Cura del Sé Al Tempo del CoronaVirus.
S. Iaconesi (2020) Come la ‘spettacoliarizzazione dei dati’ cambia la nostra percezione della realtà. Che Fare. Link
S. Iaconesi (2020) La Cura VS COVID19 on Atribune Link
S. Iaconesi (2020) Sogni e nuovi rituali. OperaViva Magazine. Link
S. Iaconesi (2020) I rituali del nuovo abitare. Dopo la tragedia. OperaViva Magazine. Link
S. Iaconesi, O. Persico (2019) Punti di Vista: Il rapporto tra Umanesimo e tecnologia: freno, inibizione, censura, oppure da apertura, salto di paradigma, coscienza critica nell’affrontare i conflitti sociali. in Sociologia n.3/2019 ISBN13: 9788849238747 LINK
S. Iaconesi, O. Persico et al (2019) Human Architecture the book. LINK
S.Iaconesi (2018) “Relazione e trasgressione nell’era del governo algoritmico” in “Rapporti di Potere e Soggettività” a cura di Luca Benvenga e Emiliano Bevilacqua. ISBN: 978-88-97339-84-7. Novalogos/Ortica Editrice. LINK
O. Persico, S. Iaconesi, M. Cecconi, A. Magrini, T. Cappelletti (2018) The Electric Oytser Motel in Zapruder n. 45 (gen-apr 2018) LINK
S. Iaconesi (2018) “Indisciplina Metodologica” in “La Didattica del Design in Italia” a cura di Giuseppe Furlanis. ISBN10: 9788849236613. Gangemi Editore. LINK and LINK
S. Iaconesi (2017) The Third Infoscape: Opportunities for Design in DIS ’17: Proceedings of the 2017 Conference on Designing Interactive SystemsJune 2017 Pages 1 LINK
S. Iaconesi, O. Persico (2017) HUB: Human Ecosystems Bologna. LINK
S. Iaconesi, O. Persico (2017) HOME, Quando gli edifici diventano senzienti. Roots & Routes, ANNO VII, n.26, ISSN 2039-5426. Last Accessed Nov. 21st 2017 at
S. Iaconesi (2017) “Interface and Data Biopolitics in the Age of Hyperconnectivity” in Proceedings of Design For Next, 12th EAD Conference, Sapienza University of Rome, 12-14 April 2017. Published as: Iaconesi, S. (2017) “Interface and Data Biopolitics in the Age of Hyperconnectivity. Implications for Design“. The Design Journal, Volume 20, 2017 – Issue sup1: Design for Next: Proceedings of the 12th European Academy of Design Conference, Sapienza University of Rome, 12-14 April 2017, p S3935-S3944. LINK
S. Iaconesi, O. Persico (2017) Algorithmic Autobiography: a new literary genre. Digimag Journal n.75.
S. Iaconesi, O. Persico (2017) Constrained Cities: Echo Chambers and Filter Bubbles in the physical spaces of the city. in Post Internet Cities, on E-Flux. LINK
S. Iaconesi (2017) “Data is an Opinion: Spectacularization of Information“, Proceeding of the “Infografica e Infoestetica 2017” conference, ISIA Design Florence. LINK
S. Iaconesi, A. Delfanti (2016) “Open Source Cancer: Brain Scans and the Rituality of Biodigital Data Sharing” in “The Participatory Condition in the Digital Age”, edited by Darin Barney, Gabriella Coleman, Christine Ross, Jonathan Sterne, and Tamar Tembeck, University of Minnesota Press. ISBN 978-0-8166-9771-7 LINK
S. Iaconesi, O. Persico, Nefula, Eumetra (2016) Infosfera: i futuri dell’informazione. LINK
S.Iaconesi, O. Persico (2016) An Emotional Compass. Harvesting Geo-located Emotional States from User Generated Content on Social Networks and Using them to Create a Novel Experience of Cities. LINK
S. Iaconesi, O.Persico (2016) “Neuralmente Vostri”. in L. De Biase, T. Pievani “Come Saremo”, Codice Edizioni. ISBN: 978-88-7578-620-5 LINK
S. Iaconesi, O. Persico (2016) “Telepathy? Algorithmic Autobiography? Digital Superpowers? Inter-speciess autobiographies? The uncanny boundaries of self in the age of ubiquitous technologies.” in Streaming Egos, Digital Identities. A book curated by Sabria David (Slow Media Institut, Bonn, Germany) and for us the curation of Marco Mancuso and Filippo Lorenzin. Goethe Institut. Link. Link.
S. Iaconesi (2015) “Digital Arts as Commons” in “Patterns of Commoning” Bollier D. (ed.), Helfrich S. (ed). Commons Strategies Group. LINK
S. Iaconesi, O. Persico (2015) “Data and the City: Moving from surveillance and control to the Ubiquitous Commons” Hybrid Cities 2, Data to the People, conference proceedings LINK
S. Iaconesi, O. Persico (2015) “Il Terzo Infoscape. Dati, informazioni e saperi nella città e nuovi paradigmi di interazione urbana” in Arcagni, S. (ed.) I Media Digitali e l’Interazione Uomo-Macchina (p. 139-168). Roma: Aracne Editore. LINK
S. Iaconesi, O. Persico, A. Giordano et al (2015) Iperconnessioni Rurali. LINK
S. Iaconesi (2015) “Parallasse: Trasgressione e Codice” in Architetti Notizie 04/2015. ISSN: 2279-7009 LINK
S. Iaconesi. (2015) Emotional Landmarks in Cities. The Emotional Life of Cities as Expressed on Social Networks. In Sociologica (ISSN 1971-8853) Fascicolo 3, sett-dic 2015.
S. Iaconesi, O. Persico (2015) “Visualising Emotional Landmarks in Cities” in proceedings of Information Visualisation (IV), 2014 18th (International Conference on), pp. 408 – 413. LINK and LINK
S. Iaconesi (2015) “The Real-time Lives of Cities: Digital Public Spaces as a New Space for Public Art in the Information Era.” in The International Journal of New Media, Technology and the Arts, Volume 9, Issue 2, pp.11-22.
S. Iaconesi, O. Persico (2014) “Urban Acupuncture in the Era of Ubiquitous Media.” Journal of Community Informatics 10, no. 3 (2014). LINK LINK
S. Iaconesi, O. Persico (2014). “HUMAN ECOSYSTEMS: Observing the real-time life of cities to foster novel forms of participation.”, in CUMULUS Aveiro 2014 conference proceedings. LINK
S. Iaconesi, O. Persico (2014). “An Emotional Compass: Emotions on Social Networks and a new Experience of Cities” in Augmented Reality Art: From an Emerging Technology to a Novel Creative Medium, part of the Springer Series on Cultural Computing, Geroimenko, Vladimir (Ed.). New York: Springer. ISBN 978-3-319-06202-0. LINK
S. Iaconesi, O. Persico (2014). “Incautious Porn an anthropological experiment in blackmail and the perception of private/public space online”, in SSN2014, Vol. 6. LINK
S. Iaconesi (2013). “Remixing the Dots: Disegno Memetico ed Evoluzione Culturale” in V. Bruni (ed.), S. Socci (ed.), F. Speroni (ed.) “Il Disegno dopo il Disegno: le molte vite di un medium antico”. Pisa, Italy: Pisa University Press. ISBN 978-88-6741-172-6. LINK
S. Iaconesi (2013) Un ecosistema della cultura per la città di Roma. LINK
S. Iaconesi, O. Persico (2013). “Societing and the Co-Creation of the City”. in A. Giordano (ed.), A. Arvidsson (ed), “Societing Reloaded”. Milan, Italy: Egea. ISBN/EAN: 9788823833401 LINK
S. Iaconesi, O. Persico (2013). “The Co-Creation of the City.” In N. Sappleton (Ed.), “Advancing Research Methods with New Technologies” (pp. 12-33). Hershey, PA: Information Science Reference. doi:10.4018/978-1-4666-3918-8.ch002 LINK
S. Iaconesi, L. Simeone, O. Persico, C. Hendrickson (2013). “LEAF++: Transformative Landscapes” in Leonardo Electronic Almanac, Volume 19, Issue 2. Cambridge: MIT Press. ISBN: 978-1-906897-23-9 LINK
S. Iaconesi (2013). “La Cura, An Open Source Cure for Cancer” in BigData, Volume 1, Issue 3, pp.124-129. doi:10.1089/big.2013.0028 LINK
S. Iaconesi, L. Simeone, O. Persico, (2013) “Cities out of Control” on Krisis Magazine “Orientation”, AIAP, Brescia, ISBN 9788890583933 LINK
S. Iaconesi, O. Persico (2013). “Connecticity, Augmented Perception of the City” in Leonardo Electronic Almanac, Volume 19, Issue 1. Cambridge: MIT Press. ISBN: 978-1-906897-20-8 LINK and LINK
S. Iaconesi, O. Persico, D. Carrera, D. Lanfrey, P. Travlou (2013). “Re-thinking public space and citizenship through ubiquitous publishing and technologies. The experience of Ubiquitous Pompeii for the Italian Digital Agenda.” in “Hybrid Cities 2013: Subtle Revolutions” conference proceedings.
S. Iaconesi, O. Persico (2013). “Interweaving the digital and analog lives of cities: urban sensing and user-generated cities” in “REAL CORP 2013, the 18th International Conference on Urban Planning and Regional Development in the Information Society GeoMultimedia 2013”, proceedings. ISBN 978-3-9503110-4-4 (CD), 978-3-9503110-5-1 (print)
S. Iaconesi, O. Persico (2013). “Real-time dissent in the city: tools and tactics for contemporary disseminated, dispersed, recombinant movements” in “Hybrid Cities 2013: Subtle Revolutions” conference proceedings.
S. Iaconesi, O. Persico (2012). “Trieste Cloud City: la Città della Coda Lunga” in “Rivista degli Infortuni e delle Malattie Professionali”, Vol. 2/2012, pp. 643–654. ISSN: 0035–5836.
S. Iaconesi, S. Bonifazi(2012). “Utopian Architectures and the dictatorship of the imaginary. A selection of topics in favor of holistic education paths, and the role of the fisheye in the observation of reality“. In Limina, Vol. 2/2012. ISBN 978-88-95286-09-9. LINK
S. Iaconesi, O. Persico (2012). “ConnectiCity: Real-Time Observation and Interaction for Cities Using Information Harvested from Social Networks“. In International Journal of Art, Culture and Design Technologies, 2(2), 14-29, July-December 2012. LINK
S. Iaconesi, O. Persico (2012) “Real-time Urban Sensing and Information Visualization During City-wide Protests and Riots: Rome, October 15, 2011“. In Parsons Journal for Information Mapping, Volume IV, Issue 3. LINK
S. Iaconesi, O. Persico (2012). “VersuS, the digital lives of cities transforms into usable interconnective intelligence“. 2012 16th International Conference on Information Visualisation, proceedings. LINK
S. Iaconesi, O. Persico (2012). “The Co-Creation of the City”. ECLAP 2012 Conference on Information Technologies for Performing Arts, Media Access and Entertainment. LINK
S. Iaconesi, L. Simeone, C. Hendrickson, O. Persico, (2011) “Connective environmental education: augmented-reality enhanced landscapes as distributed learning ecosystems.“, in “Future Learning Spaces”, Designs on e-learning conference proceedings, Stefan Sonvilla-Weiss & Owen Kelly (eds.), pp. 312-321, 2011, Helsinki, Aalto University publication series, ISBN 978-952-60-4517-7 LINK
L.Simeone, G.Lupi, P.Patelli, S.Iaconesi (2012). “Do it yourself GIS: a constructionist, educational toolkit for architecture students”. “ICALT” the 11th IEEE International Conference on Advanced Learning Technologies. LINK
G. Lupi, P. Patelli, L. Simeone, S. Iaconesi (2012) “Maps of Babel, Urban Sensing through User Generated content.” Human Cities Symposium 2012 RECLAIMING PUBLIC SPACE, conference proceedings.
L.Simeone, G.Lupi, P.Patelli, S.Iaconesi (2012). “Visualizing the Crisis, Mapping geo-localized citizens’ reactions on User Generated Content during the Italian political crises”. “Open participative cities” Cumulus Helsinki Conference, proceedings, Helsinki 2012.
S. Iaconesi, L. Simeone (2011) “Toys++” in “Museums at Play: Games, Interactions and Learning”, MuseumsEtc, edited by Katy Beale, ISBN: 978-1-907697-13-5 LINK
S. Iacones, O. Persico (2011) “NeoReality, Ubiquitous Publishing and new perceptions of space/time/identity“, on Rivista delle Scienze Sociali n.2, October 2011, ISSN 2239-1126 LINK
S. Iaconesi (2011) “Dalla Realtà Aumentata all’Umanità Aumentata”, in Rivista degli Infortuni e delle Malattie Professionali, vol. 1/2011, 2011, INAIL Editore, Rome, pp. 321-346, ISSN 0035-5836
S. Iaconesi, O. Persico (2011) “the Electronic Man”, in Presence in the Mindfield, Consciousness Reframed 12 Conference Proceedings, Lisbon, 2011
S. Iaconesi, L. Simeone, C. Hendrickson, O. Persico (2011) “Leaf++, ubiquitous publishing and the natural environment”, Mindtrek 2011 Conference Proceedings, ACM 978-1-4503-0816-8/11/09, Tampere, 2011 LINK
S. Iaconesi, L. Simeone, C. Hendrickson, O. Persico (2011) “Leaf++, augmented reality for the natural environment”, ISEA 2011 Conference proceedings
S. Iaconesi, L. Simeone, C. Hendrickson (2011) “Leaf++, augmented reality and Third Landscape”, Parsons Journal for Information Mapping, July 2011, Parsons Institute for Information Mapping LINK
S. Iaconesi, O. Persico (2011) “Oltre il Corpo Tecnologico (Beyond the technological body)”, on Rivista di Scienze Sociali, N.1, ISSN 2239-1126, May 2011 LINK
L. Simeone, S. Iaconesi (2011) “Anthropological conversations: augmented reality enhanced artifacts to foster education in cultural anthropology”. Paper presented at: IEEE ICALT, Athens GA (USA), 6-8 July 2011. LINK
L. Simeone, S. Iaconesi, F. Monaco (2011) “As We May Remix: REFF Book and the Augmented Press Experience”. Paper presented at: IEEE ICALT, Athens GA (USA), 6-8 July 2011. LINK
S. Iaconesi, F. Monaco, L. Simeone (2011) “Training Future Anthropologists by Innovative Means: Professional Vision from Augmented Reality NKISI Representations”. Paper presented at: Future of Education Conference. Firenze (Italy), 16-17 June 2011. LINK
S. Iaconesi (2010) “Wearing Emotions: Physical representation and visualization of human emotions using wearable technologies”, IV10 Conference Proceedings, GraphicsLink, UK, ISBN: 978-0-7695-4165-5 LINK
L. Simeone, S. Iaconesi (2010) “Crossing the boundaries of sacred worlds. An augmented reality application attempting to visualize other orders of reality”. Paper presented at: Making Reality Really Real, The Planetary Collegium’s 11th International Research Conference. Trondheim (Norway), 4-6 November 2010.
S. Iaconesi, O. Persico (2010) “FLUXUS boxes, augmented reality and innovative publishing”, 2010, FLUXUS Anniversary Conference Proceedings, NABA Milano
S. Iaconesi, M. Fagotti (2010) “Ubiquitous Computing: Neorealismo Virtuale, Holophonical”, 2010, ESA Conference, Università Bocconi, Milan, SSRN 1692182 LINK
L. Simeone, S. Iaconesi (2010) “The Uncanny Experience of Space Through an Augmented-Reality Application: Ubiquitous Anthropology”, 2010, ESA Conference, Università Bocconi, Milan, SSRN 1692810 LINK
S. Iaconesi, L. Simeone, F. Ruberti (2010) “Fakepress: a next-step publishing house”, 2010, ESA Conference, Università Bocconi, Milan, SSRN 1692812 LINK
S. Iaconesi, O. Persico, D. Carrera, C. Hendrickson (2010) “Squatting Supermarkets”, 2010, ESA Conference, Università Bocconi, Milan, SSRN 1692185 LINK
Simeone, L., Iaconesi, S. (2010) “Toys++: augmented reality toys to enact learn by doing processes”, ICALT 2010, Sousse, Tunisia, ISBN: 978-0-7695-4055-9 LINK
Iaconesi, S., Persico, O. (2010) “Conference Biofeedback”, Consciousness Reframed X Conference Proceedings, 2010, Munich
Iaconesi, S., Simeone, L. (2009) “Saperi p2p”, at DULP 2009, Tor Vergata University, Rome, IxD&A – Interaction Design & Architecture(s), “Ubiquitous learning in Liquid Learning places” N. 7&8, ISSN 1826-9745, ISBN 978-8888044-15-6
Simeone, L., Iaconesi, S., “Ubiquitous Anthropology”, at DULP 2009, Tor Vergata University, Rome, IxD&A – Interaction Design & Architecture(s), “Ubiquitous learning in Liquid Learning places” N. 7&8, ISSN 1826-9745, ISBN 978-8888044-15-6
S. Iaconesi (2009) “MaedaMedia”, in Disegno Industriale n.39 LINK
Iaconesi, S., Persico, O., “Angel_F, at Generative Arts Congress” 2009, Milan, Italy, ISBN 978-88-96610-06-0 LINK
Iaconesi, S., Persico, O. (2008) “Architettura rel:attiva”, Seventh International Meeting on the Revitalization of the Historical Centers Conference Proceedings, Franz Meyers Museum, Mexico
S. Iaconesi, O. Persico (2008) “Neorealismo Virtuale” in “Being Syncretic”, ISBN 978-3-211-78890-5 LINK
Iaconesi, S., Persico, O. (2008) “Degradazione per Sovrapposizione di Corpi”, at HCI 2008, Liverpool, ISBN 978-1-906124-04-5
Iaconesi, S., Persico, O. (2008) “Neorealismo Virtuale”, Consciousness Reframed 9 Conference Proceedings, University of Applied Arts, Wien, ISBN 978-3-211-78890-5
Iaconesi, S., Persico, O. (2008) “We are not Alone: post humans”, in Digimag Magazine n. 34, May 2008 LINK
S. Iaconesi, O. Persico (2008) “Angel_F” in Computer Art Congress 2, Europia, ISBN 978-2-909285-45-6 LINK