Leaf++ is an augmented reality and computer vision system which uses smartphones to recognize leaves found in the natural environment.
In this first promo video you will see some basic features of the system, embedded into a social network in which users share information on leaves: you can recognize a leaf using computer vision and write onto it.
People using Leaf++ on the a certain type of leaf will see the content written on it by previous users, thus enacting an ubiquitous social and knowledge network which is directly available in the natural environment.
Watch out for the next videos in which we will show an art performance in which leaves are used in an augmented reality concert using the shapes found in the natural environment to create live generative music and visuals.
Leaf++ will be officially presented at ISEA 2011 in Istanbul, and then at Mindtrek 2011, at DEOL 2011, and it has already been published on Parsons Journal for Information Mapping and on MediaDuemila.
Watch out for more presentations, publications and performances.
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