Art is Open Source is going at Consciousness Reframed X conference organized by the Planetary Collegium in November 2009 at the Macromedia University of Applied Sciences in Munich. We’ll be there from November 19th to 21st.
We will present the Ubiquitous Anthropology project with FakePress. We will also present and use our little new project: Conference BioFeedback.
You can check out the Ubiquitous Anthropology project on the FakePress Website and in the previous presentations you’ll find listed in the main page here at Art is Open Source.
So let’s take a look at Conference BioFeedback.
It’s a small USB gizmo intended to be worn or sewn on clothes. It connects you and your body to this website. This is a way of “publishing” emotions and sensations on bodies.
In this scenario: a war agains boring conferences!
We are really sensible on this matter: conferences are a really fundamental part of knowledge dissemination, and they could turn out to be even more focal in tomorrow’s education and cultural practices, as the ways of te network create more and more ways of connecting knowledges and information in these temporary, emergent occasions, suggesting really interesting alternatives to classrooms and universities.
The Planetary Collegium itself is interesting in this sense: a nomadic university creating an Excellence (yes, capitals) PhD across universities and centered around a series of periodic conference and a networked tutoring and mentoring process.
So we really do care about our conferences.
That’s why we created Conference BioFeedback!
The lecturer connects to the emotions of its audience: are they bored? happy? interested? excited?
Audiences can update their feelings about the conference using a website (from Fantastic to Terrible).
Bad ratings mean trouble for the boring lecturer, as ratings are translated into low voltage stimulations.
Fail in getting your fellow conferencers excited and you have a chance of being electrocuted right there. :)
My fellow FakePressers are calling this thing “a emotional publishing product for bodies“. But I’m sure I saw a grin when they saw I realized that it’s me who’s going to the conference in Munich and, thus, it’s me who’s going to wear the Conference BioFeedback gizmo.
and so.. got to get back to making the best-est powerpoint slides…
stay tuned for the updates from an electrocuted conferencer in Munich!
(… will keep you updated)