REFF in London with Furtherfield

on Feb. 16th 2011 REFF (with AOS, Art is Open Source, and FakePress) was guest of the radio show at Resonance FM

we had a chance to describe our current project in London and all over the world, to present and invite all the audience for the opening on Feb. 25th at Furtherfield Gallery and, most important of all, to invite everyone to take massive doses of our Augmented Reality Drug!

more info on REFF and the specific projects on:

the global vision of REFF project can be seen here:

during these days:

on the 25th of February 2011 REFF will be opening up an exhibit at Furtherfield gallery in London

more info here:

REFF with Furtherfield at Resonance FM

REFF with Furtherfield at Resonance FM