We will be in Rome for the FLxER audio visual performing arts project, where we will hold the meeting for the neighbourhood school which we’re launching with Human Ecosytems Relazioni. THIS is the Facebook event of the initiative. The events will take place at...
Data and information in multiple forms for Art is Open Source during the next few days! On March 11th we will be at BASE in Milan for the Visualized event, bringing people from all over the world to discuss the latest trends and challenges for Information...
This September 3rd and 4th we will present Baotaz, a collaborative project through which we merged arts, sciences and technologies to formulate an hypothesis to create new models of interconnection among people and places, globally: a new augmented sense, a new...
At AOS we have recently published an article titled “Parallasse: Trasgressione e Codice” (“Parallax: transgression and code”) on “Architetti Notizie”, published by the Order of the Architects in Padova. You can access the...
‘I think that more and more we all understand that innovation in the future will be on the intersection of arts and sciences.’ (video)– Commissioner Carlos Moedas ‘Artistic creativity and critical thinking are essential for innovation in...
ICT2015 – Innovate, Connect, Transform is the largest event organized by the EU Commission in 2015 to foster research and innovation at European level, show the best results achieved through financed projects, inform about upcoming call, facilitate the...
After its very first launch in Rome in September 2013 with EC(m1), after the Festival dell’Innovazione in Bari, Human Ecosystems goes back to Italy with a new project sponsored by the City of Bologna, with the support of ANCI – National Association of...
Data as Commons. This will be the focus of our intervention at Smart City Exhibition 2015 in Bologna, on October 16th 2015, at 9:30. What happens when data becomes a commons? How can we build the high quality relational environment which is needed for citizens to...
Some times has passed after Ars Electronica 2015, and our participation to its exhibit and to education programme with the Myriads project, part of the Human Ecosystems and of the Ubiquitous Commons. In this post we wish to share some images from the exhibit, some...
Ubiquitous Commons and Human Ecosystems will be at the “Hybrid City III: Data to the People” conference in Athens, on September 17-19, organised by the University Research Institute of Applied Communication (URIAC), in collaboration with New Technologies...
This year, Art is Open Source, Human Ecosystems and Ubiquitous Commons will be featured at Ars Electronica, as part of the Post City Kit exhibition, with the Myriads project (part of the wider Ubiquitous Infoscapes project). From Ars Electronica’s website: Post...
http://www.ubiquitouscommons.org/ubiquitous-commons-updated-and-the-societing-summer-school-at-ruralhub/ Just published on Ubiquitous Commons: … in the double transition which we are living (from scarcity to abundance; from the physical, situated, relational...
Human Ecosystems at Expo Aquae in Venice, August 1st 2015, at 11am. Full information about the event is on Human Ecosystems. How do we speak about water? How do we relate? What are our fears, concerns, important issues, joys and anxieties about water? We have captured...
This article is the translation of our contribution to the book: ” I Media Digitali e l’Interazione Uomo-Macchina” edited by Simone Arcagni, and published by Aracne Editore. You can download it here on Art is Open Source: The Third Infoscape The Third...
Just out from Aracne Editore in Italy: I Media Digitali e l’Interazione Uomo-Macchina edited and coordinated by Simone Arcagni. In the book you can find the article “Il Terzo Infoscape. Dati, informazioni e saperi nella città e nuovi paradigmi di...
Who are the women who are co-creating the P2P Society? Luckily, they are many. Today, the P2P Foundation has featured one of them: our very own Oriana Persico, aka penelope.di.pixel. From the Italian Senate, to cyber-ecology, passing through arts and scientific...
from Ubiquitous Commons at the STARTS Symposium in Brussels, June 2015 Ubiquitous Commons will be at the STARTS Symposium in Brussels, on June 22-23 2015. Promoted by ICT Art Connect, STARTS begins to explore opportunities for piloting cross-sectorial collaboration to...
From June 3rd to Jun 5th, a series of events organized by the Big Social Data Research Group at King’s College in collaboration with Citizen Biomedicin Research Group and the Open Data Institute, engaged AOS in a workshop, a lecture and a public talk. Below a...
Art is Open Source and Human Ecosystems, together with Nefula, and Ubiquitous Commons, performed an interactive exhibit, a workshop and talk in the city of Bari during the Festival dell’Innovazione 2015. The exhibit “HE/BA – Human Ecosystems...
Join us in Milan for Wired’s NextFest. Art is Open Source, Nefula and Ubiquitous Commons will be there for an exploration on the implications of technologies and networks on our near-future lives. On May 24th at 10:30 in the Giardini Porta Venezia Nefula will...
Join us in Bari on May 21-23 2015 for the “Festival dell’Innovazione” together with Art is Open Source, Human Ecosystems, Nefula and ISIA, for a workshop on the Human Ecosystems and a Human Ecosystems installation about the real-time digital life of...
Come with us on June 3rd for a performative, full day workshop at King’s College in London in which we will experiment just how much data we generate as human beings, citizens and members of communities. Register here! Using the Human Ecosystems we will learn...
Last days to join in for Ubiquitous Infoscape, our immersive workshop at UNIDEE, from May 4th to May 8th 2015, at Città dell’Arte, in Biella, Italy. During the workshop we will confront with the Ubiquitous Infoscape, the immersive and pervasive information...
Join us at Nexa Center for Internet & Society, on Wednesday April 8th 2015 from 6pm to 8pm, for an open discussion about and around the concept of the Ubiquitous Commons, the international research effort which is bringing about the development of a legal and...
Time again for Cyber Resistance at Il Cantiere in Milan, in April 10-11 2015. This year we will talk about the Ubquitous Commons: how to claim back your data from online services, and decide how it should be used. The Ubiquitous Commons is an international research...
this news article appeared on the Ubiquitous Commons website. A preview of the Ubiquitous Commons first prototype has been presented at the NetFutures 2015 event held in Brussels, during the CAPS concertation meeting, for the special topic regarding Distributed...
Join us in Calvanico in Italy from April 12 to 14 2015 together with the Rural Hub who made this possible, for an intensive workshop in which we will learn to use social networks to create hyper-connective human dynamics and relations, to promote wide, inclusive...
(this post comes from our sister project, the Ubiquitous Commons: http://www.ubiquitouscommons.org/ubiquitous-commons-article-on-nova-24-on-il-sole24ore-governing-hyperconnectivity/) An article has appeared today on Nòva 24 on il Sole 24 Ore, explaining the major...
Join us in Rome, from Feb. 25th to March 1st for the Media Arts Festival, organized by Fondazione Mondo Digitale. We will talk about creativity, education, the possible future of the arts, and we will hold a workshop on the Human Ecosystems. Art is Open Source will be...
Join us on February 28-28 2015 in Rome,at the Ex Cartiera Latina ( in beautiful industrial complex deep in the Appia Antica Regional Park, in Via Appia Antica, 42) for the 2NC Fest, Multipli-Cities, a biennial event on urban multimedia narratives, offering a focus on...
Stakhanov is a BigData god. It is a reflection about the role which we, as human beings and as members of society, are attributing to data, information and algorithms. Stakhanov captures public information from millions of people on social networks, and searches for...
Join us at the Periferica Festival in Rome, on February 16-21 2015 at Fusolab, in Viale della Bella Villa 94 (and some other locations: check the program for time and locations). Art is Open Source and Human Ecosystems will be there for an installation and a workshop...
From Wikipedia: “In Classical Antiquity, an oracle was a person or agency considered to interface wise counsel or prophetic predictions or precognition of the future, inspired by the gods. The word oracle comes from the Latin verb ōrāre “to speak” and...
The Human Ecosystems project is landing in Reggio Calabria, the beautiful city at the tip of the boot of the Italian peninsula, full of history and culture. Here we will explore the opportunities which can be found by gaining more understandings about the digital life...
The article “Urban Acupuncture in the era of Ubiquitous Media” has just been published on Journal of Community Informatics, Vol 10, No 3 (2014), Special Issue: Community Informatics and Urban Planning. This is the abstract for the paper, presented in the Notes from...
Art is Open Source, Yale World Fellows and the City of New Haven present: “HENHV” – Human Ecosystems New Haven. The digital life of a city Opening Ceremony December 9th, 2014 | 10.30-11:30am New Haven City Hall |165 Church St, New Haven Guests of...
Join us in Yale for a series of events during Salvatore’s Yale World Fellowship: a Master’s Tea at Saybrook College, an Inspired Series talk at the New Haven public library, a talk about Human Ecosystems at the Department of Computer Science. And more to...
As appeared here in Human Ecosystems: here are some images of the Real Time Museum of the city in Sao Paulo, and of the first workshop which we held there. More information...
One Million Dreams at the MakerFaire in Rome, from October 3rd to 5th 2014, at the Auditorium Parco della Musica. We will present an installation for the One Million Dreams project, through which we are capturing the expression of people’s dreams using social...
Join us in Florence, from October 2nd to October 4th 2014, for the “Festival delle Generazioni 2014”, to explore the opportunities brought on by the wide availability of Ubiquitous Information, which we will analyse through the methodology of Digital Urban...
This article appeared on http://human-ecosystems.com/home/human-ecosystems-in-sao-paulo-the-real-time-museum-of-the-city/ Human Ecosystems is coming to Sao Paulo, at SESC Vila Mariana, from September 23rd to 28th 2014. From September 23rd to 28th, as a parallel...
One Million Dreams will be featured at the File Festival 2014 in S. Paulo, Brazil. This is the 15th edition of FILE – Electronic Language International Festival in São Paulo –, which takes place this year from August 26 to October 5 at Centro Cultural FIESP...
An information visualisation built using the Human Ecosystems will be featured at the Gallery Project, in Detroit, for the Unseen exhibit. 10 Minutes in Detroit captures all the social networking activity in the city of Detroit on June 30th 2014 and visualises it in a...
[this article originates from our participation to XYLab, in Castrignano de’Greci, Puglia, Italy] Introduction In Universal Exhibitions from the end of the ‘800s and beginning of the ‘900s, indigenous people were often exposed – under glass houses,...
A public gathering in Rome, uniting administrations, politics, civil society and the cultures of the Italian capital become the occasion to explore the Human Ecosystems, the Real Time Museum of the City and the Ubiquitous Commons: the emergence of a vision of the...
Art is Open Source will be at XY Lab in Puglia, from the 17th to the 31st of July, in the beautiful castle of Castrignano de’ Greci, for a massive workshop on knowledge, data, information, Human Ecosystems and the Near Future of Education. It will be the first...
We just published an article on Human Ecosystems in which we describe the ways in which we can model the relationships in the Relational Ecosystems of cities. The article is titled: Relations in the Human Ecosystems: Cultures, Communities, Roles and Emergence and you...
Join us in Budapest for TEDxDanubia, where we will present the Human Ecosystems project, and some surprises about the digital lives of cities, the ways in which people express in urban contexts and on the possibility to create a new form of Public Space, in the era of...
Join us for #visualize, more than one week of data, in Lecce (Italy) from May 8th to June 18th 2014, in the Palazzo Turrisi-Palumbo (via Marco Basseo 1), for an incredible series of workshops and lectures about visual journalism and data, in which we will create one...
The Emotional Compass featured in a chapter of the new “Augmented Reality Art” book from Springer, edited by Vladimir Geroimenko together with Mark Skwarek, Tamiko Thiel, Gregory L. Ulmer, John Craig Freeman, Conor McGarrigle, Patrick Lichty, Geoffrey Alan...
How can Sciences, Arts and Technologies collaborate together with Societies, Communities, Administrations and Businesses to foster a culture of Openness, Transparency, Freedom and Empowerment? We will find out in Trento, at the ICT Days event, together with Trento...
Dreaming on social networks. One Million Dreams is a generative video that lasts around 200 hours which shows, instant by instant, a whole year of dreams captured from social networks. This is a short preview. You had a dream last night, and you published something...
After launching the Human Ecosystems project in Toronto and setting up for its execution in Montreal, we will present it at Artscaping Rome, on February 20th 2014, at 5:30pm, at the Caffè Letterario, together with IED, Federculture and Fondazione Romaeuropa. In this...
The Human Ecosystems project is going to Toronto, at the Fields Institute for Research in Mathematical Sciences for ArtSci Salon, to start the real-time observation of the city, and for a first workshop on real-time cities, ubiquitous information, commons and the new...
The future of information in cities: ubiquitous information, social networks and the emergence of new business models and opportunities, beyond traditional media. This video was presented at the Eisenhower Fellowship Day 2013 in...
Why would we need an Emotional Compass? And, first of all, what is an Emotional Compass? [vimeo http://vimeo.com/74043002] “The map is not the territory.” – A. Korzybski “The map is not the thing mapped.” – E.T. Bell “The tale is the map that...
What do Michel De Certeau, Gilles Clément and Marco Casagrande have to do with the idea of Smart Cities? What is the Third Infoscape? How can we grasp the potential revolutionary character of our daily lives, educate our gaze to capture unforeseen opportunities and...
What is the Human Ecosystem of the city? How does it transform with the wide and accessible availability of ubiquitous and nomadic technologies? How can we capture and visualize the Human Ecosystem of a city? How can we transform this possibility to represent the...
Next steps for the Human Ecosystems project in Rome. Together with the Council for Culture of the First Municipality of the City of Rome, on November 9th 2013, in Rome at Porta Futuro, from 10am to 5pm, we will be at Cultur+, the second meeting for the Cultural...
An article about the Human Ecosystems project appeared today on the newspaper Il Sole 24 Ore, discussing the installation we presented at the Internet Festival 2013: the Innovation Ecosystem (here are the slides from the workshop we held, in case you missed them) Here...
These are the slides from our workshop on real-time innovation ecosystems at the Internet Festival 2013: [slideshare id=27130226&doc=presentazioneslideshare-131012130000-phpapp01] For more info: Innovation Ecosystems at Internet Festival 2013 Part of the Human...
What is the topography of the Innovation Ecosystem in Italy? Who are its main influencers? Who are the hubs? How does information circulate inside it? What are its influences from abroad? How can we map the Innovation Ecosystem in real-time, using social networks? AOS...
EC(m1), the Culturl Ecosystem of the City of Rome has been featured on italian newspaper Il Manifesto. More information here: Take active part in the ecosystem by joining the Facebook Group where the discussion is...
Saturday Sept. 28th we will be at Provocazioni Festival, at Acrobax (via della Vasca Navale 6, Rome, Italy) to talk about Art, the Future and the role of Technologies in the transformation of our societies. Here is the Facebook Event for the Provocazioni Festival,...
The Real-time Cultural Ecosystem of the City of Rome is a visualisation which captures all the interactions on social networks through which internet users discuss about the cultural life of their city. (it is the first part of the Human Ecosystems project) Built with...