Join us in Florence, from October 2nd to October 4th 2014, for the “Festival delle Generazioni 2014“, to explore the opportunities brought on by the wide availability of Ubiquitous Information, which we will analyse through the methodology of Digital Urban Acupuncture.
(follow the Festival on Twitter here: #FFdG14 )
Art is Open Source and Human Ecosystems will be there with two initiatives:
“Le Informazioni attorno a noi” (“Information around us”): a two hours talk and workshop in which we will try to understand what it means for human beings to have the possibility to access information which is embedded in their surroundings, wether it comes from social networks, sensors, databases and more. An Augmented Humanity, capable of accessing the Ubiquitous Infoscape. On October 3rd, from 5:30pm to 7:30pm at the Biblioteca Oblate (Conference hall), in Florence.
“Agopuntura Urbana” (“Urban Acupuncture”). Or, even better, Digital Urban Acupuncture. This will be a peculiar workshop, under the form of an Emotional Scavenger Hunt (a “caccia al tesoro”). In this game we will search for emotions in the city, searching for them on social networks, in the places in which people expressed them. We will try to find what we call “Emotional Landmarks”, places in the city in which certain people, at certain times of the day/week/year, systematically express specific emotions. Join us for a bit of theory and a great emotional scavenger hunt on October 4th, from 4:30pm to 6:30pm at the Bibioteca Oblate (Conference Hall), in Florence.