provocazioni festival

provocazioni festival

Saturday Sept. 28th we will be at Provocazioni Festival, at Acrobax (via della Vasca Navale 6, Rome, Italy) to talk about Art, the Future and the role of Technologies in the transformation of our societies.

Here is the Facebook Event for the Provocazioni Festival, where you can join in.

We will be there right after the morning event in which we will present the Cultural Ecosystem of the City of Rome, together with the City Administration.

Together with us will be:

Carlo Infante: Professor, Journalist and Performing Media expert

Pietro Montani: Professor in Aesthetics at the “La Sapienza” University of Rome

Dario Cecchi: Researcher in Aesthetics at the “La Sapienza” University of Rome

Maia Borelli: Researcher in Performative Arts  at the “La Sapienza” University of Rome

The Pilss_youtubers e videomakers.