Data as Commons. This will be the focus of our intervention at Smart City Exhibition 2015 in Bologna, on October 16th 2015, at 9:30.
What happens when data becomes a commons? How can we build the high quality relational environment which is needed for citizens to effectively manage commons? What data can become a commons? How can we create inclusive, collaborative economies of multiple types through data commons? What impacts can these kinds of processes have on a city and its community? How can the practices of daily life change through data commons?
These are only some of the issues which we’ll confront with in Ubiquitous Commons‘ intervention at the Smart City Exhibition:
We will talk about them with Gianni Dominici (General Director of Forum PA), Andrea Borruso (Open Data Sicilia), Pina Civitella (Responsible for Information Systems Development at the City Administration of Bologna), Christian Iaione (LabGov),Bruno Monti (Manager of the GIS Unit at the City Administration in Milan), Ilaria Vitellio (CEO at Mappina).
Read more HERE on Ubiquitous Commons.