This post appeared in Italian on CheFare: Conflitto e trasgressione: Anonymous all’Unione Europea Bruxelles, February 2015. NetFutures 2015 A series of interesting discussions are going on In the post industrial building of The Egg, the congress center few steps away...
We will be joining in the conversation at Open Design / Shared Creativity Conference in Barcelona, on July 2nd and 3rd to present a scenario for radical innovation, based on a radically open process. In 2008 we created REFF, RomaEuropa FakeFactory, a meta brand ( an...
From November 11th to November 26th 2011 FakePress Publishing and REFF RomaEuropa FakeFactory will be in Maribor, Slovenija, for the 17th edition of the MFRU festival (Mednarodni Festival Racunalniskih Umetnosti). Here is the website for MFRU2011. At the festival we...
We will be in Bolzano on October 27th for the “Impronta del Digitale” the technological lab of the “Classe dell’Arte” a series of events and conferences organized by the Administration of the Province of Bolzano. The main objective of the...
An update from a little while ago: Squatting Supermarkets and REFF have been featured at the Memefest. Memefest is a international network of good people interested in social change trough sophisticated and radical use of media and communication. We create, think,...
are you hungry? Food is at the center of our lives and it is a very powerful thing: when we talk about food we talk about ecology, nature, environment, global economies, pollution, energy, health, love, family, sex, tradition, innovation. Many people also talk about...
REFF, RomaEuropa FakeFactory has been featured in the Roma Creativa book, produced by the Administration of the Province of Rome to gather and publish the best creative talents in the italian capital’s area. Here’s some views of the publication: ...
REFF, RomaEuropa FakeFactory and FakePress will be at the Salone del Libro in Turin on May 13th, at 6pm to discuss the next step of publishing, at the crossroad of augmented reality, ubiquitous media and innovative cross media. here are the complete details of the...
our dear penelope.di.pixel has written for Hacker Journal a wonderful article about the REFF Augmented Reality Drug and about the recent exhibit at Furtherfield Gallery in London. The AR Drug has also been recently on show at the Casoria Contemporary Arts Museum....
The Casoria Contemporary Arts Museum hosted an exhibit and performance of REFF, RomaEuropa FakeFactory. On show were the Augmented Reality Drug used by the REFF fake institution to promote a worldwide wave of reality reinvention for students, artists, cultural...
Art is Open Source at the Casoria Contemporary Arts Museum will present the augmented reality drug and will introduce the fake cultural institution REFF, and introduce its next steps towards the reinvention of reality here is the Press Release: CAMMOVIE Video Art...
AOS and FakePress will be presenting REFF, RomaEuropa FakeFactory at the launch party for Firefox 4, in Rome, on April 15th 2011 learn everything about the event by clicking HERE
Just back fro the REFF tour in Macerata, Ancona, Osimo Here are some images:
REFF, FakePress, AOS and Ossigeno present REFF on tour Ancona, Osimo, Macerata 30-31 marzo 2011 Just back from London REFF, the fake institution promoting from 2009 cultural policies, artworks and technologied inspired to the systhematic reinvention of reality, will...
Collecting all the documentation from our recent visit to London, here are some considerations on our presentation at Queen Mary University for the self-org series of meetings. The meeting was specifically focused on the interesting intervention by David Vercauteren...
back from London, here are some more info about the event held at Furtherfield Gallery, to present REFF RomaEuropa FakeFactory and the Augmented Reality Drug. our wonderful friends at Shoot4Change came to see the exhibit and took these wonderful pictures about the...
On March 2nd 2011 REFF held a workshop at the Courtauld Institute about the methodological reinvention of reality. The history of the fake institution was told from the point of view of creating processes for producing cultural policies and communication practices in...
On Feb. 27th 2011, REFF held a workshop at The Black Horse, an occupation by ReallyFreeSchools, about the systematic reinvention of reality. about Really Free Schools and the Black Horse: “What is a really free school? Perhaps its easier to explain what a not...
News from REFF in London, at Furtherfield The Opening of the exhibit took place in a wonderful atmosphere. We were happy to see new and old people interested in the fake institution, its education program and its newly created Augmented Reality Drug. We managed to...
REFF in London with Furtherfield on Feb. 21th 2011 REFF (with AOS, Art is Open Source, and FakePress) held a workshop in Essex at Writtle College. The theme of the workshop was the reinvention of reality through critical practices and ubiquitous technologies. During...
REFF in London with Furtherfield on Feb. 22th 2011 REFF (with AOS, Art is Open Source, and FakePress) held a workshop in London at Westminster College The theme of the workshop was the reinvention of reality through critical practices and ubiquitous technologies....
REFF in London with Furtherfield on Feb. 22th 2011 REFF (with AOS, Art is Open Source, and FakePress) held a workshop in London at Westminster College The theme of the workshop was the reinvention of reality through critical practices and ubiquitous technologies....
REFF’s augmented reality doctor presents: REFF A/R Drug REFF A/R Drug is a powerful compund, mixing technologies, practices and neurostimulating ecosystems, and it allows you to reinvent your reality. learn more by visiting:
REFF in London with Furtherfield on Feb. 16th 2011 REFF (with AOS, Art is Open Source, and FakePress) was guest of the radio show at Resonance FM we had a chance to describe our current project in London and all over the world, to present and invite all the audience...
the video of the presentation we held in Southbank University in London: read here more information about this series of workshops/lectures, and grab the info, documentation and software
Here you will find all the information materials, software and a short tutorial on the themes of the workshops we have been performing in London’s universities while preparing the REFF exhibition. First: click here to download the information and software kit...
While in London we are starting our actions toward the diffusion of critical practices that use ubiquitous technologies to enact autonomous, free forms of expression. Today we have been at Goldsmiths University to perform a workshop on the REFF project and to present...
REFF will be at the CS Cantiere in Milan on January 21st 2011 for a small presentation / workshop on the cross media platforms that we will be using for our next actions and an AR installation. We will be showing how the cross-media CMS created for the REFF book...
We just recovered from the intense two days promoting the REFF project in Rome with the lovely help of our friends Bruce Sterling and Jasmina Tešanović, and we’re ready to tell you all how it all turned out. First of all: images! :) In this message and at this...
We will be together with Bruce Sterling and Jasmina Tešanović in Rome during the next few days. Just back from Brazil, Bruce and Jasmina have been so nice to dedicate some of their time to help us out in spreading the news about the REFF Book, just published by...
Rome, Italy. Jan. 7th 2011 An augmented reality drug appears in a supermarket. the addiction begins. more info soon on:
REFF’s first incursion in the cities of the world was a complete success! meeting on a rainy but beautiful evening, we gathered at the Libreria Flexi in the heart of the city of Rome. After a short discussion making sure that everyone knew what we were doing, we...
A video about REFF RomaEuropa FakeFactory has been published on the website of La Stampa, an important italian newspaper. watch the video here
REFF RomaEuropa FakeFactory is back. A book is coming out in Italy (and an international version is following soon, before the end of the year) together with the next step in our action in favor of better innovation policies andpractices for arts and culture. During...
the REFF Book is about to be published. In the meanwhile previews start to emerge on the web of the interfaces of its mobile versions. Here are the screenshots of the iPad version
Art is Open Source and FakePress will be launching the preview of the book “REFF RomaEuropa FakeFactory”, produced by DeriveApprodi and FakePress, at the Share Festival, in Turin, Italy. On November 6th we will participate to the conference...
[PRESS RELEASE – ENGLISH ] Almost two years after its creation il 2009, the REFF – RomaEuropa FakeFactory is back with the publication of its book, published in Italy by DeriveApprodi & FakePress: REFF The reinvention of the real through critical...
We have recently been at the ESA Conference 2010 “Culture and the Making of Worlds” held at the Bocconi University in Milan during October 2010. The conference is one of the main events in the global research scenario of sociology. It is held by the...
FakePress and Art is Open Source will present a workshop titled “Next-step publishing: ubiquitous, disseminated, emergent, multi author narratives” [program and info at the bottom of the article] We can transform any space or surface into a display using...
REFF, RomaEuropaFakeFactory, has been interviewed in Rome during Joy Ito’s lectio magistralis held at the italian parlament, in an event organized by Capitale Digitale, a program on digital cultures, economics, creativity and innovation created by Telecom...
REFF, RomaEuropaFAKEFactory was featured in an article on Wired Italia, October 2009 issue
We’re just back from the intense 4 days of the Live Performers Meeting 2009 where REFF (RomaEuropaFAKEFactory) held its new showcase. LPM2009 really has been full of surprises, and we were more than happy to share the spaces of the Brancaleone with over 300...
REFF is back again! REFF @ LPM 2009 on May 28th 2009 (Digital Freedoms Day) and on 28th-31st May 2009 (exhibitions, showcase, workshops)
REFF.erence Mar. 20th, Italian Senate – Senato REFF, RomaEuropaFAKEFactory, was presented at the Italian senate through an intense series of panels dealing with art/culture/creativity in the contemporary era, with the issues of cultural politics from the points...
DOWNLOAD THE FULL PROGRAM [ ENGLISH ] RomaeuropaFAKEFactory [REFF] presents [ REFF.erence ] Friday 20th and Saturday 21st, March 2009 @ Rome The international competition RomaEuropaFAKEFactory re-lauches in Rome on March 20th and 21st with two dense days dedicated to...
Say what?! RomaEuropaFAKEFactory at the Italian Senate?!?