REFF, FakePress, AOS and Ossigeno

REFF on tour
Ancona, Osimo, Macerata

REFF on tour

REFF on tour

30-31 marzo 2011

Just back from London REFF, the fake institution promoting from 2009 cultural policies, artworks and technologied inspired to the systhematic reinvention of reality, will arrive in Marche (Italy)

Thanks to the collaboration of Ossigeno, REFF A/R Youth Program, the special program in Education & Learning dedicated to yung gneration, will be presented in public shool, Academias and Universities of Ancona, Osimo and Macerata cities.

Everyones – students, professors, citizens – will have the possibility to experiment the extraordinary effects of REFF AR Drugs, the augmented reality drug recently lunched by the fake institution.

REFF – Remix the World! Reinvent Reality!

Program of activities

30th March 2011 , 10,40am – Aula Magna
Liceo Artistico Mannucci “E. Mannucci” – Ancona

Introduction by Prof. Francesco Colonnelli

30th March 2011 – 17.30pm
Libreria Il mercante di Storie – Osimo (AN)

31th March 2011 – 10am – Aula Magna
Accademia di Belle Arti Macerata – Macerata (
Introduction by Prof. Antonio G. Benemia

More info on:


REFF AR Youth Program is a special program of Education & Learning enacted by REFF to ensure the immediate distribution of REFF AR Drug to young generations.The Program consists in a series of theoretical and practical workshops exploring the possibilities offered by fake, remix, recontextualization, plagiarism and reenactment as a tool for methodological reinvention of reality.

REFF AR Youth Program was lunched in London as a part of the exhibit “Remix the World! Reinvent reality!” (Fourtherfield Gallery, 25th Feb – 26th Mar 2011). The agenda of the Fake Institution inspired approval and enthusiasm in the academic world. Six different universities in London already guested REFF workshops and presentations.

Learn mere here:


From the information sheet:

“REFF is an Augmented Reality (AR) Drug. Also referred to as Simulata Realitas per Activam-Industriosam-Laboriosam Multiplicationem, REFF AR Drug is a psychotropic antidepressant administered cross-medially.This drug is used to treat social depression, fear of the future, precariety, anthropological distress, lack of opportunities, communicational totalitarianism, scarcity of freedoms and intolerant social ecosystems.Compared to other drugs acting on the same areas, REFF AR Drug is designed with accessibility in mind and as an enabler of the spontaneous generation of forms of expression and of collaborative practices.

REFF AR Drug is also used (off-label) to treat numerous other conditions such as the UFPS (Uncertainty for the Future of Publishing Syndrome), and the LDSBMS (Lack of Decent Sustainable Business Models Syndrome).”

Learn more here:

ABOUT REFF – RomaEuropa FakeFactory

REFF is a fake cultural institution enacting real policies for arts, creativity and freedoms of expression all over the world.

REFF was born in Italy in 2009. Since then it continuously operated using fake, remix, reinvention, recontextualization, plagiarism and reenactment as tools for the systematic reinvention of reality. Defining what is real is an act of power. Being able to reinvent reality is an act of freedom. REFF promotes the dissemination and reappropriation of all technologies, theories and practices that can be used to freely and autonomously reinvent reality.

To do this, REFF established an international competition on digital arts, a worldwide education program in which ubiquitous technologies are used to create additional layers of reality for critical practices and freedoms, a series of open source software platforms and an Augmented Reality Drug.

REFF collaborates with art organizations, student groups, research institutions and all other subjects wishing to promote the freedoms to reinvent their world. REFF has received several official recognitions worldwide: it was hosted in the Cultural Commission of the Italian Senate, and was an official initiative of the European Community’s Year of Creativity in 2009.

Official site:

REFF in the world: