Erbe Indisciplinate, a workshop and a conversation on La Cura

Erbe Indisciplinate, a workshop and a conversation on La Cura

Three new events for La Cura: a workshop at RuralHub exploring the connections between nature and radical innovation; a workshop on transgression and innovation at the Federico II University in Naples; and a conversation with a philosopher and a cyborg at the same...
La Cura at Perugia’s International Journalism Festival

La Cura at Perugia’s International Journalism Festival

La Cura is out with a new book, published by Codice Edizioni, featuring the story of the global artistic performance which started when Salvatore Iaconesi was diagnosed with a brain cancer and he decided to open it up to the entire society to confront with the...
Ubiquitous Commons on Financial Times

Ubiquitous Commons on Financial Times

On May 20th, thanks to Maija Palmer, an interesting article on Ubiquitous Commons entitled “Conflict over data ownership lies ahead” was published on Financial Times. The article is available at this link:...
Understand: a new simple app, and some source code

Understand: a new simple app, and some source code

Understand is a new simple smartphone application in which we publish a magazine entirely made of abstracts of great articles on the web. It is also an easy way to create a magazine on smartphones using a WordPress Blog, with full source code available. Here you can...
Human Ecosystems in Reggio Calabria

Human Ecosystems in Reggio Calabria

The Human Ecosystems project is landing in Reggio Calabria, the beautiful city at the tip of the boot of the Italian peninsula, full of history and culture. Here we will explore the opportunities which can be found by gaining more understandings about the digital life...
La Cura at Data Viz or Data Touch, in Paris

La Cura at Data Viz or Data Touch, in Paris

Join us in Paris on October 17th 2014 for “Data Viz or Data Touch” Art, Science, Design and Data Visualisation, at Google’s Cultural Institute Lab, for a performative discussion about La Cura, the Open Source Cure for Cancer. « Data viz or Data touch...
La Cura, at Wave, with Susanna Pozzoli

La Cura, at Wave, with Susanna Pozzoli

La Cura will be featured at Wave, Collective Intelligence, an exhibit promoted by BNP Paribas, in Paris at the Parc de la Villette, from September 10th to October 5th 2014 through a video by artist Susanna Pozzoli. Click HERE for some more information about La Cura at...
La Cura on Neural #47

La Cura on Neural #47

La Cura, an Open Source Cure for Cancer: an interview and coverage about the project has been published on Neural magazine issue #47 Here’s a Preview: More info on: Neural Magazine, ISSUE #47, WINTER 2014 ISSN:...
La Cura at Participatory Medicine in Montreal

La Cura at Participatory Medicine in Montreal

La Cura, an Open Source Cure for Cancer, will be presented at McGill University for Participatory Medicine, a conference with Patrick Dubé (Living Lab SAT/CHU Ste-Justine), Alessandro Delfanti (Media@McGill) and Salvatore Iaconesi and Oriana Persico (Art is Open...
La Cura, after the presentation at Transmediale 2014: Afterglow

La Cura, after the presentation at Transmediale 2014: Afterglow

So, we gave a presentation about La Cura at yesterday’s panel at Transmediale 2014 Festival: Afterglow: here are the slides for the presentation: [slideshare id=30698464&doc=salvatoreiaconesiv6-140201063515-phpapp02] At the end of the slide, a visualization...
La Cura on Usbek & Rica

La Cura on Usbek & Rica

La Cura, the Open Source Cure for Cancer, has recently been featured on the Usbek & Rica Magazine. You can find the article here: Portraits – Salvatore Iaconesi “Mon Cancer en Open Source” and kudos go to Agata Marszałek for the beautiful...
Openness and Near Future Design at I-Lab at Luiss University

Openness and Near Future Design at I-Lab at Luiss University

We will be at I-Lab at Luiss University for a workshop on Near Future Design and the concept of Openness, on November 14th 2013, from 2pm to 6pm. Here is the EventBrite page for the workshop and here is the Facebook page for I-Lab Luiss, where you can know more. In...
The Mirror and The Source @ Penny W. Stamps Speaker Series

The Mirror and The Source @ Penny W. Stamps Speaker Series

  AOS will be in Ann Arbor (Detroit) on October 17, 2013, for the Penny W. Stamps Speaker Series at the Michigan Theater with “The Mirror and the Source”, a talk/performance exploring the transformation of human beings, and the new rituals, emotions,...
La Cura at GoodMedia in Genova, Italy

La Cura at GoodMedia in Genova, Italy

In Genova, on October 25th 2013, we will be hosted by GoodMedia, an international event focusing on the evolution of communication practices across healthcare, medicine and society. We will present and discuss the updates from La Cura, a global performance to reclaim...
La Cura on Le Monde

La Cura on Le Monde

La Cura, and an interview with Salvatore Iaconesi, was recently featured on Le Monde. Here below are the images from the wonderful article written by Flore Vasseur (click for a larger version): Download the PDF of “La Cura” on Le Monde Here you can find...
La Cura on “Il Tirreno”

La Cura on “Il Tirreno”

An article and video about La Cura has just been published on Il Tirreno,   Click HERE to open the link to the video. Click HERE to see the article online.
La Cura at TEDMED 2013

La Cura at TEDMED 2013

Just published! My talk about La Cura at TEDMED 2013, in Washington DC: My voice trembles a bit :) and I was really excited about the enormous, beautiful, scientific and healthcare oriented audience. But I made it. Here is my Profile on TEDMED and here you can watch...
AOS at NextFest in Milan

AOS at NextFest in Milan

AOS will be at NextFest in Milan on Saturday June 1st 2013 to speak about La Cura, the Open Source Cure for Cancer, Hacking culture and the opportunities to reclaim our rights and human perspectives in our contemporary times. Here’s the title and abstract of the...
a video of the Sonoria Sound Toy for iPhone

a video of the Sonoria Sound Toy for iPhone

Sonoria, a sound toy for iPhone SONORIA is a sound toy for iPhone and iPad. It is a part of an upcoming series of musical toys which can be used for fun or for artistic performances. SONORIA is particularly oriented towards noise, suggestive, deep musical soundscapes....
We all turned 4

We all turned 4

AOS and FakePress will be presenting REFF, RomaEuropa FakeFactory at the launch party for Firefox 4, in Rome, on April 15th 2011 learn everything about the event by clicking HERE
REFF – workshop at Writtle College, Feb. 21th 2011

REFF – workshop at Writtle College, Feb. 21th 2011

REFF in London with Furtherfield on Feb. 21th 2011 REFF (with AOS, Art is Open Source, and FakePress) held a workshop in Essex at Writtle College. The theme of the workshop was the reinvention of reality through critical practices and ubiquitous technologies. During...

REFF – workshop at Westminster College, Feb. 22th 2011 (

REFF in London with Furtherfield on Feb. 22th 2011 REFF (with AOS, Art is Open Source, and FakePress) held a workshop in London at Westminster College The theme of the workshop was the reinvention of reality through critical practices and ubiquitous technologies....
REFF – workshop at Westminster College, Feb. 22th 2011

REFF – workshop at Westminster College, Feb. 22th 2011

REFF in London with Furtherfield on Feb. 22th 2011 REFF (with AOS, Art is Open Source, and FakePress) held a workshop in London at Westminster College The theme of the workshop was the reinvention of reality through critical practices and ubiquitous technologies....
REFF – radio show at Resonance FM, Feb. 16th 2011

REFF – radio show at Resonance FM, Feb. 16th 2011

REFF in London with Furtherfield on Feb. 16th 2011 REFF (with AOS, Art is Open Source, and FakePress) was guest of the radio show at Resonance FM we had a chance to describe our current project in London and all over the world, to present and invite all the audience...
REFF in London @ Goldsmiths University with Furtherfield

REFF in London @ Goldsmiths University with Furtherfield

While in London we are starting our actions toward the diffusion of critical practices that use ubiquitous technologies to enact autonomous, free forms of expression. Today we have been at Goldsmiths University to perform a workshop on the REFF project and to present...
New scenarios for education and action: back from Milan

New scenarios for education and action: back from Milan

Just back from the Always Already New conference in Milan. (here the abstracts of the contributions to the conference) The conference subtitle “Thinking Media, Subversing Feeling, Scaffolding Knowledge: Art and Education in the Praxis of Transformation”...
New Media Book: a workshop on the next-steps of publishing

New Media Book: a workshop on the next-steps of publishing

FakePress and Art is Open Source will present a workshop titled “Next-step publishing: ubiquitous, disseminated, emergent, multi author narratives” [program and info at the bottom of the article] We can transform any space or surface into a display using...

Knowners, a link sharing plugin for WordPress

Art is Open Source and FakePress just released Knowners a link sharing plugin for WordPress. Knowners is a WordPress plugin developed by FakePress and Art is Open Source to setup an effective link publishing website. The plugin is still in beta, but it already offers...

Angel_F @ Libreria Flexi

Il 5 marzo 2010 a Roma a partire dalle 18.30 presso i locali del FLEXI libreria-caffè, Via Clementina 9 (rione Monti) AOS (Art is Open Source) in collaborazione con FHF Italia e ass. The Hub Roma Presentano “Angel_F. Diario di un Intelligenza Artificiale”...
Bluetooth Wars @ AHAcktitude 2009

Bluetooth Wars @ AHAcktitude 2009

home sweet home, we’re back again. AOS participated to AHAcktitude 2009 in Milan, and it was a great experience. We presented Bluetooth Wars, a workshop in which the people were able to build their very own Bluetooth media server. This has many uses, ranging...

report: RomaEuropaFAKEFactory @ LPM 2009

We’re just back from the intense 4 days of the Live Performers Meeting 2009 where REFF (RomaEuropaFAKEFactory) held its new showcase. LPM2009 really has been full of surprises, and we were more than happy to share the spaces of the Brancaleone with over 300...

RomaEuropaFAKEFactory – REFF.erence report

REFF.erence Mar. 20th, Italian Senate – Senato REFF, RomaEuropaFAKEFactory, was presented at the Italian senate through an intense series of panels dealing with art/culture/creativity in the contemporary era, with the issues of cultural politics from the points...

architettura rel:attiva

just back from Mexico where me and penelope.di.pixel performed quite a few activities: a congress on the revitalization of the historical centers, a panel on virtual, participative and interactive architectures and on innovation, and an installation performance called...


A computer is interpreted as a body according to eastern theories and philosophies. The Chakras represent the components of the PC. When the computer reaches Chakra balance, it goes in Kundalini state, becoming connected to all the other ChakraPuters on the network....


Michelang_IO_lo looks at the installation visitor and produces a digital portrait that is interpreted in 3D and transformed into a musical instrument that the visitor can play using a physical interface. also seen on: > artBase Michelang_IO_lo...