Sonoria, a sound toy for iPhone

SONORIA is a sound toy for iPhone and iPad.
It is a part of an upcoming series of musical toys which can be used for fun or for artistic performances.
SONORIA is particularly oriented towards noise, suggestive, deep musical soundscapes.
Touch the screen to produce sounds.
Combine touch with phone rotation to change panning and other sound parameters.

Sonoria sound toy for iPhone

Sonoria sound toy for iPhone


We will be releasing the source code for the Sonoria sound toy in the next few days, so that you will be able to make one for yourselves and to create modified versions of it.

So please support us and free software by buying the Sonoria Sound Toy for iPhone on the App Store by using the links below.


more information here on Art is Open Source:

or you can buy Sonoria here on the App Store:

watch out on Art is Open Source for the announcement of the source code in the next few days: