This article is the translation of our contribution to the book: ” I Media Digitali e l’Interazione Uomo-Macchina” edited by Simone Arcagni, and published by Aracne Editore. You can download it here on Art is Open Source: The Third Infoscape The Third...
Who are the women who are co-creating the P2P Society? Luckily, they are many. Today, the P2P Foundation has featured one of them: our very own Oriana Persico, aka penelope.di.pixel. From the Italian Senate, to cyber-ecology, passing through arts and scientific...
from Ubiquitous Commons at the STARTS Symposium in Brussels, June 2015 Ubiquitous Commons will be at the STARTS Symposium in Brussels, on June 22-23 2015. Promoted by ICT Art Connect, STARTS begins to explore opportunities for piloting cross-sectorial collaboration to...
Last days to join in for Ubiquitous Infoscape, our immersive workshop at UNIDEE, from May 4th to May 8th 2015, at Città dell’Arte, in Biella, Italy. During the workshop we will confront with the Ubiquitous Infoscape, the immersive and pervasive information...
From Wikipedia: “In Classical Antiquity, an oracle was a person or agency considered to interface wise counsel or prophetic predictions or precognition of the future, inspired by the gods. The word oracle comes from the Latin verb ōrāre “to speak” and...
The future of information in cities: ubiquitous information, social networks and the emergence of new business models and opportunities, beyond traditional media. This video was presented at the Eisenhower Fellowship Day 2013 in...
AOS will be in Ann Arbor (Detroit) on October 17, 2013, for the Penny W. Stamps Speaker Series at the Michigan Theater with “The Mirror and the Source”, a talk/performance exploring the transformation of human beings, and the new rituals, emotions,...
The Real-time Cultural Ecosystem of the City of Rome is a visualisation which captures all the interactions on social networks through which internet users discuss about the cultural life of their city. (it is the first part of the Human Ecosystems project) Built with...
Real Time Cairo: the real-time digital life of the city of Cairo, Egypt Launch the project by clicking HERE To harvest all the data generated through social networks in a city. Each day we use social networks such as Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, Foursquare as public...
Our article about an Anthropological view on Innovation appeared today on Nòva24, the inset of Il Sole 24 Ore, Italy’s most influential financial newspaper. Our impressions after the 7 weeks on the Eisenhower Fellowship. Here it is, below, translated in English...
The new issue of Krisis Magazine “Orientation” is out! You can get it HERE Among the contributions you will find our “Cities Out of Control”. Here we wanted to share our point of view on the possibility to define a crisis (a breakdown, to be...
Versus, Love VS Turin, will be presented at MAC, Contemporary Art Museum of Lissone. Selected by curator Cecilia Guida from the ArtHub archives for the exhibit “C’è una piccola radice che, se la masticate, vi spuntano le ali immediatamente”, the...
AOS will be at NextFest in Milan on Saturday June 1st 2013 to speak about La Cura, the Open Source Cure for Cancer, Hacking culture and the opportunities to reclaim our rights and human perspectives in our contemporary times. Here’s the title and abstract of the...
Our text about ConnectiCity has been just published on Leonardo Electronic Almanac, Volume 19, Issue 1. Connecticity, Augmented Perception of the City + Interview, Statement, Artwork by Salvatore Iaconesi & Oriana Persico “We constantly re-interpret and...
Just out from press: Advancing Research Methods with New Technologies: Advancing digital technologies continue to shape all aspects of our society, with particular impact on the professional research community. These new and exciting developments offer considerable...
AOS will be at REAL CORP 2013, the 18th International Conference on Urban Planning and Regional Development in the Information Society GeoMultimedia 2013. 20-23 May 2013, Rome, Italy House of Architecture Piazza Manfredo Fanti, 47, 00185 Roma Our contribution:...
We will be at The HYBRID CITY II: Subtle rEvolutions Conference, workshops, exhibition and parallel events 23-25 May 2013 National and Kapodistrian University of Athens with our contributions: Real-time dissent in the city: tools and tactics for contemporary...
Just published: S. Iaconesi, O. Persico (2012). “Trieste Cloud City: la Città della Coda Lunga” in “Rivista degli Infortuni e delle Malattie Profossionali”, Vol. 2/2012, pp. 643–654. ISSN: 0035–5836. Trieste, Cloud City: new frontiers of urban communication...
Just out in January 2012: “Societing Reloaded”. Available in all major online and offline bookstores. Curated by Alex Giordano and Adam Arvidsson, it features contributions by, Bernard Cova, Carolina Bandinelli, Barret Stanboulian, John Grant, Massimo...
Art is Open Source will be featured at “Audiovisioni Digitali”, curated by Lino Strangis and Veronica D’Auria, with this video above about the realtime digital lives of cities. The video has been selected by Giovanni Viceconte from the...
Electronic Literature as a Model of Creativity and Innovation in Practice (ELMCIP) is a collaborative research project funded by Humanities in the European Research Area (HERA) JRP for Creativity and Innovation. ELMCIP involves seven European academic research...
VersuS, by Art is Open Source, at BIO23, Ljubljana Design Biennial. BIO23, Design Relations VersuS is a series of works about the possibility to listen in real-time to the emotions, expressions and information generated by users on social network...
In Montpellier for Information Visualization 2012. Here we will present the updates for our research projects dedicated to the real-time observation of cities: ConnectiCity and VersuS. With these two projects we have tried understand the current transformation of...
A while ago we participated to the Human Cities Symposium in Bruxelles. The proceedings for the conference have just been published. You can also click here below to download them. CLICK HERE TO DOWNLOAD THE PROCEEDINGS
This June 5th, 2012, we will be at ISIA Florence for Less is Next, in its 2012 edition, held at the Caffè Letterario “Le Murate” (Piazza delle Murate, Florence). Less is Next is an incredible gathering, focused on the vision of the opportunities offered by...
Lately we’ve teamed up with an impressive series of partners to investigate on the future of our cities. On May 2nd – 4th we will be in Berlin for re:publica to gather up and summarize our efforts so far. Re:publica represents an enormous convergence of...
Is it possible to imagine ways to use ubiquitous technologies and the emergent narratives which take place on social networks to design cities using co-creation practices? On May 7th – 9th we will be in Florence at the ECLAP 2012 Conference on Information...
Fast update: we will be participating to a great collective exhibit in Como, Italy, at the Spazio Natta, showing the Electronic Man and VersuS in a program which investigates in the new signs of mutual contamination of different media. Supported by the City...
We just presented our Maps of Babel project at the Human Cities Symposium in Bruxelles. The Maps of Babel project is an effort we embraced after our experience with the VersuS and ConnectiCity projects. Our original projects focused on very wide-angled objectives,...
VersuS and ConnectiCity have been featured as best practices for city innovation at the Social Cities of Tomorrow event. Here is the link where you can see the shortlisted best practices on Social Cities of Tomorrow’s website. Check it out: there are some...
We designed a new version of the VersuS performance, part of the ConnectiCity project. You can find it here: We will officially present it as part of a novel form of radio show, in which a musical voyage through the...
For all you realtime data lovers, a short update on the VersuS project. Valentina Tanni has just prepared an article about artworks using the possibility to listen to emotional expressions on social networks (in the specifics, love), mentioning VersuS among the...
Latest updates on the VersuS project, observing and analyzing the realtime lives of cities, as seen through social networks and ubiquitous devices. A video has just been published of the VersuS conference held for the Piemonte Share Festival 2011 at the Officine...
Urban planning strategies con now benefit from new sources of realtime information coming from social networks allowing to sense the emotions, visions, desires and tensions of citizens. Open data, online conversations and ubiquitous publishing as a strategic...
Back from Turin where we presented the VersuS project at the Piemonte Share Festival, at Fablab Italia and at The Others art fair. Here are the slides we used in the presentations at various venues: VersuS: loveVSturin and romeVSriots, the presentation held at...
VersuS: love vs turin, visualizing the realtime lives of cities from salvatore iaconesi on Vimeo. How do people express their emotions on social networks? Information has become ubiquitously accessible, thus transforming our perception of cities and of the ways we...
This short video displays the activity on social networks (Twitter, Facebook, Foursquare) during the riots of October 15th which took place in Rome during the local instance of the 15th October initiative created in the planetary process started by the Occupy Wall...