La Cura on Usbek & Rica

La Cura on Usbek & Rica

La Cura, the Open Source Cure for Cancer, has recently been featured on the Usbek & Rica Magazine. You can find the article here: Portraits – Salvatore Iaconesi “Mon Cancer en Open Source” and kudos go to Agata Marszałek for the beautiful...
The Mirror and The Source @ Penny W. Stamps Speaker Series

The Mirror and The Source @ Penny W. Stamps Speaker Series

  AOS will be in Ann Arbor (Detroit) on October 17, 2013, for the Penny W. Stamps Speaker Series at the Michigan Theater with “The Mirror and the Source”, a talk/performance exploring the transformation of human beings, and the new rituals, emotions,...
La Cura on BigData

La Cura on BigData

La Cura was recently featured on the journal BigData Vol.1 Issue 3, with an in-depth article and on the journal’s cover (shown above). You can read the article about La Cura here in PDF (an HTML version of the article is available here). Here is the abstract of...
La Cura on Le Monde

La Cura on Le Monde

La Cura, and an interview with Salvatore Iaconesi, was recently featured on Le Monde. Here below are the images from the wonderful article written by Flore Vasseur (click for a larger version): Download the PDF of “La Cura” on Le Monde Here you can find...
La Cura at TEDMED 2013

La Cura at TEDMED 2013

Just published! My talk about La Cura at TEDMED 2013, in Washington DC: My voice trembles a bit :) and I was really excited about the enormous, beautiful, scientific and healthcare oriented audience. But I made it. Here is my Profile on TEDMED and here you can watch...
Updates on VersuS, the realtime lives of cities

Updates on VersuS, the realtime lives of cities

For all you realtime data lovers, a short update on the VersuS project. Valentina Tanni has just prepared an article about artworks using the possibility to listen to emotional expressions on social networks (in the specifics, love), mentioning VersuS among the...
VersuS: love vs turin, visualizing the realtime lives of cities

VersuS: love vs turin, visualizing the realtime lives of cities

VersuS: love vs turin, visualizing the realtime lives of cities from salvatore iaconesi on Vimeo. How do people express their emotions on social networks? Information has become ubiquitously accessible, thus transforming our perception of cities and of the ways we...
the Electronic Man: After the ADD Festival

the Electronic Man: After the ADD Festival

Just back from the ADD Festival at the MACRO Contemporary Arts Museum of the City of Rome, in Testaccio, where we exhibited the Electronic Man (remember?) Here is a short report through images and videos. This is a general overview of the installation through which we...
Digital Rules’n Regs

Digital Rules’n Regs

Digital Rules & Regs with VIDEOCLUB 14 March – 13 May 2011 Participating Artists: Marianne Holm Hansen Salvatore Iaconesi & Orianna Persico The Rules: Love thy neighbour. Honour the original. Obey the market. Throughout the programme, links to any...
REFF – workshop at Writtle College, Feb. 21th 2011

REFF – workshop at Writtle College, Feb. 21th 2011

REFF in London with Furtherfield on Feb. 21th 2011 REFF (with AOS, Art is Open Source, and FakePress) held a workshop in Essex at Writtle College. The theme of the workshop was the reinvention of reality through critical practices and ubiquitous technologies. During...

REFF – workshop at Westminster College, Feb. 22th 2011 (

REFF in London with Furtherfield on Feb. 22th 2011 REFF (with AOS, Art is Open Source, and FakePress) held a workshop in London at Westminster College The theme of the workshop was the reinvention of reality through critical practices and ubiquitous technologies....
REFF – workshop at Westminster College, Feb. 22th 2011

REFF – workshop at Westminster College, Feb. 22th 2011

REFF in London with Furtherfield on Feb. 22th 2011 REFF (with AOS, Art is Open Source, and FakePress) held a workshop in London at Westminster College The theme of the workshop was the reinvention of reality through critical practices and ubiquitous technologies....
REFF Augmented Reality Drug

REFF Augmented Reality Drug

REFF’s augmented reality doctor presents: REFF A/R Drug REFF A/R Drug is a powerful compund, mixing technologies, practices and neurostimulating ecosystems, and it allows you to reinvent your reality. learn more by visiting:
REFF – radio show at Resonance FM, Feb. 16th 2011

REFF – radio show at Resonance FM, Feb. 16th 2011

REFF in London with Furtherfield on Feb. 16th 2011 REFF (with AOS, Art is Open Source, and FakePress) was guest of the radio show at Resonance FM we had a chance to describe our current project in London and all over the world, to present and invite all the audience...
REFF in London @ Goldsmiths University with Furtherfield

REFF in London @ Goldsmiths University with Furtherfield

While in London we are starting our actions toward the diffusion of critical practices that use ubiquitous technologies to enact autonomous, free forms of expression. Today we have been at Goldsmiths University to perform a workshop on the REFF project and to present...
CoS – Consciousness of Streams

CoS – Consciousness of Streams

CoS, Consciousness of Streams is about to start! We’ll be at transmediale in just a few hours, setting up all the components of CoS, which will be a performance, a series of workshops, an invasive into our streamed lives, and an evolving emotional map of the...
CoS, Consciousness of Streams

CoS, Consciousness of Streams

In just a few days we will be at transmediale in Berlin, to create CoS: Consciousness of Streams! CoS will be something that we’re calling a cognitive virus on the festival, as it will be a cross-medial, emergent, performative, multi-author publication created...
FLUXUS boxes, augmented reality and innovative publishing

FLUXUS boxes, augmented reality and innovative publishing

FLUXUS was a variable group of artists working in what has vastly been called Neo-Dada and visual arts, but really worked intermedially across visual arts, design, video, music, performance and architecture. Vastly inspired by the work of John Cage and, in a way,...
AOS and FakePress @ PubliCamp 2010

AOS and FakePress @ PubliCamp 2010

we will be at the third edition of the PubliCamp in Bari, Italy on the 1st, 2nd and 3rd December 2010. Public Camp 2010 – spot #1 from FF3300 on Vimeo. We will discuss the scenarios for communication and publishing with FakePress and we will bring with us little...
Squatting Supermarkets @ Robot Festival, Bologna

Squatting Supermarkets @ Robot Festival, Bologna

Augmented Reality can create opportunities for critical reinvention of the world. Squatting Supermarkets uses augmented reality to break open the codes of commercial communication on the products we use every day. By taking a picture with your mobile phone to the logo...
AOS and FakePress present “Critical AR Ensemble” at IAR2010

AOS and FakePress present “Critical AR Ensemble” at IAR2010

Art is Open Source and FakePress participated to IAR2010, the first italian event totally dedicated to the themes of Augmented Reality, organized by the folks at JoinPad at the Milan headquarters of the Hub. The event was truly interesting as it covered a wide range...
Squatting Supermarkets in Mondovì – lecture and presentation

Squatting Supermarkets in Mondovì – lecture and presentation

A photo report of the presentation and lecture we held in Mondovì to present Squatting Supermarkets, in joining the SMIR european project. The art performance, technological platform and research process have all been presented to the local audience and to a few...
Holophony @ La Sapienza University in Rome

Holophony @ La Sapienza University in Rome

Here is a picture report of the lecture we held at La Sapienza University in Rome about Holophony more info here: AOS, FakePress and Ossigeno present Holophony at La Sapienza University in Rome
Squatting Supermarkets @ Mondovì

Squatting Supermarkets @ Mondovì

On Friday May 5th 2010 Art is Open Source , FakePress and The Hub Roma will be in Mondovì together with the Piemonte Share Festival and associazione Marcovaldo to present the next steps of the Squatting Supermarkets / iSee project. Squatting Supermarkets is one of the...

Knowners, a link sharing plugin for WordPress

Art is Open Source and FakePress just released Knowners a link sharing plugin for WordPress. Knowners is a WordPress plugin developed by FakePress and Art is Open Source to setup an effective link publishing website. The plugin is still in beta, but it already offers...

Squatting Supermarkets @ Scighera, Milan

getting ready for Squatting Supermarkets at la Scighera, in Milan Sunday, January 24th 2010 – 21:00 –...


We’re set! Squatting Supermarkets is all installed and it is about to start. There will be a continuous interaction with the people at the Share Festival, both friends and visitors, and all the technical and curatorial crew. It will be part documentary, part...

Net Neutrality

Hello there! we just joined in with Frontiere Digitali supporting a coordinated action in favor of Net Neutrality. Lots of things are going on and many of them are just plain ugly. Check out the press release below (sorry, it’s in Italian, but a quick Google...