This post originates from the lecture about Transgression and Innovation held at the Alta Scuola Politecnica a few weeks ago. In this article we will explore again a topic which is very close to the practices here at Art is Open Source, which is the interconnection...
Some days have passed since the Education is a Commons event, and a summary is needed to be able to have an overview of the scenario which is opening up before our eyes, and about the single most important fact which emerged fro the whole event: Now is the Time to...
Art is Open Source and ISIA Design Florence will be in Milan at Wired’s NextFest on May 17 for an immersive 8-hours workshop on Near Future Design, and for a performative conversation with Bruce Sterling on the opportunity of materialising possible futures right...
Fake and real. Simulacra and simulation. Go and organize a fake hold up. Be sure to check that your weapons are harmless, and take the most trustworthy hostage, so that no life is in danger (otherwise you risk committing an offence). Demand ransom, and arrange it so...
Join us at MAXXI B.A.S.E. (the research center of the MAXXI Museum in Rome) on April 29th 2014, at 6:00pm, in the Sala Graziella Lonardi Buontempo (via Guido Reni 4A, Rome) for a conversation on Transmedia Narratives, Design Fiction and the ways in which the idea of...
This article was published on the Febrary 2nd edition of Nòva24, on Il Sole24Ore. You can find the original article here: Il futuro scolastico è una performance Here we give an expanded version of it, without length constraints. Crisis and transformation are...
What do arts, design and philosophy have to do with business? [ this is the english version of our article which appeared on the SIMI Newsletter, in Portuguese. SIMI is Brazil’s Open Innovation System] Let’s start from art. The arts have a crucial role in...
AOS will be at Frontiers of Interaction 2013 on October 24th 2013 in Milan. At FoI2013 we will hold a workshop and a little surprise. The workshop’s title is: “Near-future Design VS Design Fiction” (read the second part of the article for a short...
REFF’s first incursion in the cities of the world was a complete success! meeting on a rainy but beautiful evening, we gathered at the Libreria Flexi in the heart of the city of Rome. After a short discussion making sure that everyone knew what we were doing, we...