Join us in Yale for a series of events during Salvatore’s Yale World Fellowship: a Master’s Tea at Saybrook College, an Inspired Series talk at the New Haven public library, a talk about Human Ecosystems at the Department of Computer Science. And more to...
AOS will be in Ann Arbor (Detroit) on October 17, 2013, for the Penny W. Stamps Speaker Series at the Michigan Theater with “The Mirror and the Source”, a talk/performance exploring the transformation of human beings, and the new rituals, emotions,...
In Genova, on October 25th 2013, we will be hosted by GoodMedia, an international event focusing on the evolution of communication practices across healthcare, medicine and society. We will present and discuss the updates from La Cura, a global performance to reclaim...
We just presented our Maps of Babel project at the Human Cities Symposium in Bruxelles. The Maps of Babel project is an effort we embraced after our experience with the VersuS and ConnectiCity projects. Our original projects focused on very wide-angled objectives,...
Just out of the event “Tracce di Futuro” where an incredible set of contributions participated in creating a wonderful day during which the figure of Marshall Mcluhan became the liet-motif used to trigger some truly interesting discussions on the visions...
Something wonderful is about to happen. 100 years after McLuhan’s birth we all have the chance of becoming part of the body and mind of the Electronic Man. The happy event will take place in Rome, on May 31st, 2011, during the celebration of McLuhan’s...
AOS and FakePress will be presenting REFF, RomaEuropa FakeFactory at the launch party for Firefox 4, in Rome, on April 15th 2011 learn everything about the event by clicking HERE
News from REFF in London, at Furtherfield The Opening of the exhibit took place in a wonderful atmosphere. We were happy to see new and old people interested in the fake institution, its education program and its newly created Augmented Reality Drug. We managed to...
we will be at the third edition of the PubliCamp in Bari, Italy on the 1st, 2nd and 3rd December 2010. Public Camp 2010 – spot #1 from FF3300 on Vimeo. We will discuss the scenarios for communication and publishing with FakePress and we will bring with us little...
Augmented Reality can create opportunities for critical reinvention of the world. Squatting Supermarkets uses augmented reality to break open the codes of commercial communication on the products we use every day. By taking a picture with your mobile phone to the logo...
On Friday May 5th 2010 Art is Open Source , FakePress and The Hub Roma will be in Mondovì together with the Piemonte Share Festival and associazione Marcovaldo to present the next steps of the Squatting Supermarkets / iSee project. Squatting Supermarkets is one of the...
Just published a set of photos from the party we held in Rome for Angel_F’s book Once again, thanks to everyone who attended and to all of you that couldn’t make it. It was wonderful. Thanks to for the pictures. Soon to come: the video of the...
Great News for REFF, RomaEuropa FakeFactory! RomaEuropa Web Factory’s second edition is about to start up. REFF attended the press conference held at the Opificio Telecom in Rome, on Wednsday September 16h 2009, to check out the informations that were being...
DOWNLOAD THE FULL PROGRAM [ ENGLISH ] RomaeuropaFAKEFactory [REFF] presents [ REFF.erence ] Friday 20th and Saturday 21st, March 2009 @ Rome The international competition RomaEuropaFAKEFactory re-lauches in Rome on March 20th and 21st with two dense days dedicated to...
a visual reportage from the “Freedom not Fear” event in Rome. here is a report on ArtsBlog here is the story on NeRVi NoemaLabs published some info here are the...
Angel_F and SuperAvatar are scared. The lives of the young artificial intelligence and of the avatar who escaped from virtual worlds have been endangered more than once by the control, that is constantly perpetrated on people’s information, habits and...
We are just back from the AHACamping, the first meeting of the AHA mailing list. The event was took place at the SALE Docks and it featured talks and performances on art, hacking, activism and critical theories on technology and on the ways in which they are...
Just back from Liverpool where we attended the (re)Actor3 and HCI2008 events presenting Degradazione per Sovrapposizione di Corpi. check out how it went with full video coverage here: > report from Liverpool connect to the events at > (re)Actor3 >...
Art is Open Source has been featured at the Sydney Biennale 2008 Online venue, as a public entry. check out AOS at Sydney’s Biennale at > BOS2008
The Planetary Collegium presented this conference titled “Being Syncretic”. Researchers and artists from all over the world converged in Vienna to present the state of the art of research on technologies as they access reality in integrated ways. We...
Art is Open Source and NeRVi present Angel_F project in Mexico City at the Computer Art Congress 2. The international meeting researches on the evolution of digital practices as they affect arts and society. I presented there the Angel_F project, together with...