AOS will be in Macerata ( May 2-6 2014 ) at the Youbiquity Festival for a workshop in which we will understand how to create an ubiquitous soundscape and installation, to create an immersive geography of sound. “When you listen carefully to the soundscape it becomes...
AOS will be at REAL CORP 2013, the 18th International Conference on Urban Planning and Regional Development in the Information Society GeoMultimedia 2013. 20-23 May 2013, Rome, Italy House of Architecture Piazza Manfredo Fanti, 47, 00185 Roma Our contribution:...
We will be at The HYBRID CITY II: Subtle rEvolutions Conference, workshops, exhibition and parallel events 23-25 May 2013 National and Kapodistrian University of Athens with our contributions: Real-time dissent in the city: tools and tactics for contemporary...
For Knowledge is Natural, we will be in the beautiful woods of the south of Italy to explore the possibility to re-appropriate sensibilities and knowledge about natural environments, using DIY, sustainable energy sources, Augmented Reality, Natural Interaction,...
Back in the city of Pompei for the next step for the future of our cities. We will be in Pompei on June 3rd and 4th for iPompei, an event organized by the Public Administration of the City of Pompei together with the MIBAC (Italy’s Ministry for Cultural and...
On Friday May 18th we will be in Milan, at Meltingpot for the Come in Cielo Così in Terra Workshop. Come in Cielo Così in Terra (translates to: “on earth as it is in Heaven”, reminding of the christian prayer “Our father”), is an Astro...
We will be at Ualuba, in Brescia, Italy, on May 19th-20th for LAYERS, an intensive workshop on Ubiquitous Publishing. LAYERS SALVATORE IACONESI & ORIANA PERSICO May 19+20 2012 16 hours / 2 days / 1 week from 9am to 6pm intensive workshop...
quick update on Ubiquitous Pompei: NextExit Magazine published a lovely article on the February 2012 issue. Check it out on paper and, soon, online as well.
A short interview has been shown on RaiNews24 italian news channel about the Ubiquitous Pompei project. In the interview: Oriana Persico of Art is Open Source and Claudio Alfano, Vice-Mayor of the City of Pompei. click here for more info on the Ubiquitous...
Just a quick update pointing out a series of wonderful reactions about the Ubiquitous Pompei project. Carlo Infante published a wonderful article on L’Unità, comparing the Ubiquitous Pompei project to his practices of Urban Experience. Thank you Carlo! (you can...
a short update for a video about Ubiquitous Pompei, Augmented Reality to let young students invent the future of their digital city more info here: Ubiquitous...
On December 14th, in the city of Pompei, we celebrated the final step in this phase of the Ubiquitous Pompei project, created through a series of workshops performed together with high school students who were invited to imagine the digital future of their city. This...
The future of the city in Pompei, as created by high school students. You are invited to come at the event in which we will present the outcomes of our project in Pompei during which we invited high school students to create the digital future of their city. Click...
After the RWR adventure in Cava de’ Tirreni, Ubiquitous Publishing arrives in the schools of Pompei. Together with the project “McLuhan Meets Pompei”, promoted by the Associazione Amici di Media Duemila ONLUS in collaboration with the City Council...
McLuhan meets Pompei. On October 20th 2011 we will be in Pompei for an event in which we will engage the new forms of writing enabled by ubiquitous technologies and augmented reality. Organized by MediaDuemila as an event for the centennial celebrations of the birth...
Art is Open Source and FakePress Publishing have been invited to perform a series of lessons at the Master in Public and Institutional Communication (Publi.Com) at the University of Rome “La Sapienza”. Our lessons will revolve around the concepts of...
The Read/Write Reality workshop ended a few days ago: it has been an incredible experience! A really innovative and fun project with a wonderful crowd with different backgrounds, approaches, desires and attitudes. Here is some information about the workshop and its...
are you hungry? Food is at the center of our lives and it is a very powerful thing: when we talk about food we talk about ecology, nature, environment, global economies, pollution, energy, health, love, family, sex, tradition, innovation. Many people also talk about...
RWR – READ/WRITE REALITY WHAT: 3+1 days of intensive workshop on the possibilities offered by Ubiquitous Publishing techniques and technologies WHEN: from 13th to 16th September 2011 WHERE: Cava de’ Tirreni (Amalfi Coast, Italy) ...
Digital Rules & Regs with VIDEOCLUB 14 March – 13 May 2011 Participating Artists: Marianne Holm Hansen Salvatore Iaconesi & Orianna Persico The Rules: Love thy neighbour. Honour the original. Obey the market. Throughout the programme, links to any...