Real Time Cairo: the real-time digital life of the city of Cairo, Egypt Launch the project by clicking HERE To harvest all the data generated through social networks in a city. Each day we use social networks such as Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, Foursquare as public...
Our text about ConnectiCity has been just published on Leonardo Electronic Almanac, Volume 19, Issue 1. Connecticity, Augmented Perception of the City + Interview, Statement, Artwork by Salvatore Iaconesi & Oriana Persico “We constantly re-interpret and...
We just presented our Maps of Babel project at the Human Cities Symposium in Bruxelles. The Maps of Babel project is an effort we embraced after our experience with the VersuS and ConnectiCity projects. Our original projects focused on very wide-angled objectives,...
We designed a new version of the VersuS performance, part of the ConnectiCity project. You can find it here: We will officially present it as part of a novel form of radio show, in which a musical voyage through the...
For all you realtime data lovers, a short update on the VersuS project. Valentina Tanni has just prepared an article about artworks using the possibility to listen to emotional expressions on social networks (in the specifics, love), mentioning VersuS among the...
Latest updates on the VersuS project, observing and analyzing the realtime lives of cities, as seen through social networks and ubiquitous devices. A video has just been published of the VersuS conference held for the Piemonte Share Festival 2011 at the Officine...
An article titled “NeoReality, ubiquitous publishing and new perceptions of space/time/identity” has ben published on the Rivista di Scienze Sociali. This article starts from the analysis of our recent project VersuS/ConnectiCity, in its declinations for...
VersuS: love vs turin, visualizing the realtime lives of cities from salvatore iaconesi on Vimeo. How do people express their emotions on social networks? Information has become ubiquitously accessible, thus transforming our perception of cities and of the ways we...