La Cura at ICEEFest in Bucarest

La Cura at ICEEFest in Bucarest

We will be in Bucarest for the ICEEFest. ICEEfest stands for Interactive Central and Eastern Europe Festival and has been building itself into one of the largest Internet related festivals organized in the CEE and SE Europe region since 2012. There we will give a talk...
Erbe Indisciplinate, a workshop and a conversation on La Cura

Erbe Indisciplinate, a workshop and a conversation on La Cura

Three new events for La Cura: a workshop at RuralHub exploring the connections between nature and radical innovation; a workshop on transgression and innovation at the Federico II University in Naples; and a conversation with a philosopher and a cyborg at the same...
Innovation and Transgression

Innovation and Transgression

At AOS we have recently published an article titled “Parallasse: Trasgressione e Codice” (“Parallax: transgression and code”) on “Architetti Notizie”, published by the Order of the Architects in Padova. You can access the...
Petterns of Commoning is out

Petterns of Commoning is out

The book “Patterns of Commoning” edited by David Bollier and Silke Helfrich is out. From the book’s website: In Patterns of Commoning, more than sixty frontline activists, academics and project leaders from twenty countries explain how commoning is...
La Cura featured on, and some exciting news

La Cura featured on, and some exciting news

La Cura, My Open Source Cure for Cancer, has been featured as La Cura as TED talk of the day. Go check it out! It is a wonderful chance to announce that the book about La Cura is coming out soon, with amazing features. The book, coming out soon after the summer, will...
Human Ecosystems in Reggio Calabria

Human Ecosystems in Reggio Calabria

The Human Ecosystems project is landing in Reggio Calabria, the beautiful city at the tip of the boot of the Italian peninsula, full of history and culture. Here we will explore the opportunities which can be found by gaining more understandings about the digital life...
La Cura, after the presentation at Transmediale 2014: Afterglow

La Cura, after the presentation at Transmediale 2014: Afterglow

So, we gave a presentation about La Cura at yesterday’s panel at Transmediale 2014 Festival: Afterglow: here are the slides for the presentation: [slideshare id=30698464&doc=salvatoreiaconesiv6-140201063515-phpapp02] At the end of the slide, a visualization...
Design, philosophy art and business

Design, philosophy art and business

What do arts, design and philosophy have to do with business? [ this is the english version of our article which appeared on the SIMI Newsletter, in Portuguese. SIMI is Brazil’s Open Innovation System] Let’s start from art. The arts have a crucial role in...