For Knowledge is Natural, we will be in the beautiful woods of the south of Italy to explore the possibility to re-appropriate sensibilities and knowledge about natural environments, using DIY, sustainable energy sources, Augmented Reality, Natural Interaction,...
We can consider our ecosystem as an interlinked stratification of different contexts. While designing an experience (or a series of different experiences) we can choose to focus on different layers of our living ecosystem: we can decide to focus on one, two or all of...
In this lesson we analyzed a series of initiatives which used ubiquitous technologies and a structured approach to interaction on social networks to design innovative scenarios for large-scale events of international relevancy. The cases shown during the lesson have...
AOS (Salvatore Iaconesi and Oriana Persico) have started to teach at the Master of Exhibit Design at La Sapienza University of Rome. Our contribution will engage the possibility of designing large-scale events using methodologies which allow to create seamless...