Heretical Enterprises?

Heretical Enterprises?

What is an Heretical Enterprise? From “The term “heresy” comes from the greek word αἵρεσις, haìresis, deriving from the verb αἱρέω (hairèō, “to grab”, “to take” but, also, “to choose” or “to elect”). Originally, heretic were the ones who chose,...

interviewing the financial crisis

together with my beloved penelope.di.pixel we are doing a project called “Interviewing the crisis”. A series of articles hosted on in which we analyze some of the issues of the rising financial crisis through a sequence of reports and...

Angel_F, updates from NeoRealismo Virtuale

Hello there! an update on our little artificial kid, Angel_F. Our young AI is continuing its life among people, shifting its digital attention from the research on innovative business models to the experiments on contemporary forms of identity in this post-industrial...