Why would we need an Emotional Compass? And, first of all, what is an Emotional Compass? [vimeo http://vimeo.com/74043002] “The map is not the territory.” – A. Korzybski “The map is not the thing mapped.” – E.T. Bell “The tale is the map that...
AOS will be in Ann Arbor (Detroit) on October 17, 2013, for the Penny W. Stamps Speaker Series at the Michigan Theater with “The Mirror and the Source”, a talk/performance exploring the transformation of human beings, and the new rituals, emotions,...
Versus, Love VS Turin, will be presented at MAC, Contemporary Art Museum of Lissone. Selected by curator Cecilia Guida from the ArtHub archives for the exhibit “C’è una piccola radice che, se la masticate, vi spuntano le ali immediatamente”, the...
The Electronic Man will be featured in Turin at Arteractive, November 2-6 2011. The project unites a group of artists who have been working with new digital technologies and with specific focus on the research about novel forms of establishing relations with the...
Check out our interview on Furtherfield.org about the Electronic Man. Here is the info: The Electronic Man: A Global Performance. Renee Carmichael interviews Salvatore Iaconesi and Oriana Persico from, Art is Open Source (AOS) and the international think-tank...
Less than a month from the celebration of the Marshall McLuhan Centennial in Rome, The Electronic Man will participate to a new event between art, technology, performances, installations. The Electronic Man will be the special McLuhan project for ADD Festival second...
The Electronic Man mobile application for iPhone/iPad is now available for download. CLICK HERE TO DOWNLOAD THE APP This application will let you join in the global performance from wherever you are, and will allow you to experience people’s participation to the...
The Electronic Man performance is going really well. Many people are participating from all around the world and in just a couple of days we will be publishing the updated results and some more lovely news. In the meanwhile: here at the link below, you can find an...
Some updates for the Electronic Man global performance Check out the new interface we created on the Electronic Man website: http://electronicman.artisopensource.net We made the site lighter and we’re fully exploiting the possibilities offered by HTML5....
I was always facinated by We feel Fine by Jonathan Harris and Sep Kamvar. The possibility to design using emotions has always intrigued me and, yet, it seemed like an unachievable task. The notion of being able to identify emotions in an automatic (or assisted) way is...
while in Mexico we did quite a few things. possibly the most difficult one was the creation of an architectural installation called rel:attiva presenza. the installation constituted a practical example of the theories we exposed at this congress and it was created in...
Here below you can find the text that we presented at (re)Actor3 and HCI2008 explaining the theories and concept of the installation and of DegradArte. ABSTRACT Degradazione per Sovrapposizione di Corpi (DpSdC) investigates on interaction mechanisms created using low...
Just back from Liverpool where we attended the (re)Actor3 and HCI2008 events presenting Degradazione per Sovrapposizione di Corpi. check out how it went with full video coverage here: > report from Liverpool connect to the events at > (re)Actor3 >...
OneAvatar connects your body to your Avatar in virtual worlds. You and your Avatar will be finally one, sharing the same experiences even at physical level. You get hurt, you Avatar gets hurt. Your Avatar dies, you die. Connect to your avatar and watch out for...
The Planetary Collegium presented this conference titled “Being Syncretic”. Researchers and artists from all over the world converged in Vienna to present the state of the art of research on technologies as they access reality in integrated ways. We...
2 part article on DigiCult Magazine, written together with my beloved mademoiselle penelope.di.pixel We speak about identity, body, artificial intelligence, avatars, cyborgs, and digital ecosystems. It’s the first article in which we spoke about NeoRealismo...
Art is Open Source and NeRVi present Angel_F project in Mexico City at the Computer Art Congress 2. The international meeting researches on the evolution of digital practices as they affect arts and society. I presented there the Angel_F project, together with...
A new narrative, sitting across the borders running between materiality and immateriality, organic and inorganic, architecture and body. These borders have been deleted by digital technologies in the contemporary era, perpetrating a continuous shift from object to...
Famous people come back to life in the Online Virtual World of Second life, in the form of autonomous avatars conducted by artificial intelligence. A research on identity and on how people relate in the virtual environments that we find online and offline. Karl Marx,...
What are the challenges artworld is facing in the time of globalization and increasing technologization? At the conference I presented the Biodoll project and Angel_F. In collaboration with CIANT (International Centre for Art and New Technologies), Center for Global...