We will be in Rome for the FLxER audio visual performing arts project, where we will hold the meeting for the neighbourhood school which we’re launching with Human Ecosytems Relazioni. THIS is the Facebook event of the initiative. The events will take place at...
La Cura, with the collaboration of Nefula, ISIA Design Florence, La Triennale di Milano, Condividi la Conoscenza, Artribune, FabLab Toscana, Scuola Open Source, Human Ecosystems, Parcodiyellowstone and VideOfficine, will hold an international summer school on the...
Join us in Rome, from Feb. 25th to March 1st for the Media Arts Festival, organized by Fondazione Mondo Digitale. We will talk about creativity, education, the possible future of the arts, and we will hold a workshop on the Human Ecosystems. Art is Open Source will be...
Art is Open Source will be at XY Lab in Puglia, from the 17th to the 31st of July, in the beautiful castle of Castrignano de’ Greci, for a massive workshop on knowledge, data, information, Human Ecosystems and the Near Future of Education. It will be the first...
Some days have passed since the Education is a Commons event, and a summary is needed to be able to have an overview of the scenario which is opening up before our eyes, and about the single most important fact which emerged fro the whole event: Now is the Time to...
It’s here! After our initial exploration of the Near Future of Education, when the ISIA Design School in Florence faced the effects of the global crisis, after writing about our vision on newspapers, and performing collaborative efforts to understand...
Introduction With students, designing the future of the education system. A fundamental action towards a shift to a participatory, inclusive knowledge society. This post describes the structure and methodology of our action. Follow what is happening using the blog...
Crisis and Transformation of the Education system: the Near Future of Education in Florence. What happens during a crisis? Transformation. Necessary change. Note: this article was originally published on Luca De Biase’s blog under the title “Crisis and...
Last year we attended the Designs on E-Learning 2011 Conference in Aalto University, Helsinki. It was a brilliant conference, for both content and process, and was really focused on creating the best possible environment to allow free, open emergence of the...
Leaf++ will be presented at the Designs on E-Learning conference in Helsinki, Finland. From the conference website: Future Learning Spaces The notion of space regains fresh momentum every time we interact with the world around us. As mobile devices weave into the...
Leaf++, the Augmented Reality system for leaves created together with FakePress Publishing has been recently published on Parsons Journal for Information Mapping, Volume 3, Issue 3. The project will be officially be released during our presence at ISEA 2011, in...
Just back from Florence where we held a wonderful workshop/seminar at the ISIA Design Institute The workshop was really interesting for us, as we were able to experiment an innovative education format. Starting from the students’ ideas for the project works...
FakePress will be at the Future of Education Conference in Florence on June 16th and 17th, presenting a research paper titled: “Training Future Anthropologists by Innovative Means: Professional Vision from Augmented Reality NKISI Representations” Here is a...
the video of the presentation we held in Southbank University in London: read here more information about this series of workshops/lectures, and grab the info, documentation and software
Here you will find all the information materials, software and a short tutorial on the themes of the workshops we have been performing in London’s universities while preparing the REFF exhibition. First: click here to download the information and software kit...
Just back from the Always Already New conference in Milan. (here the abstracts of the contributions to the conference) The conference subtitle “Thinking Media, Subversing Feeling, Scaffolding Knowledge: Art and Education in the Praxis of Transformation”...
the Knowners WordPress plugin allows you to transform link collections and your WordPress blogs into interactive visualizations of knowledge networks. A new version of the plugin has just been released by FakePress and Art is Open Source. The main enhancement of the...
Art is Open Source, together with FakePress have recently participated at the ICALT conference, International Conference on Advanced Learning Technologies. We presented Toys++, an augmented reality system allowing you to apply digital contents to the toys people (and...
At FakePress we have just started teaching 3 courses on Interaction Design at the Faculty of Architecture of Rome’s University “La Sapienza”. We will use these courses as an opportunity to enact what I can only refer to as “the most...