La Cura will be at the Festival della Creatività in Ariccia from 27 to 29 May 2016. More info here. We will be present there with a workshop titled “La Cura: Patient X and biopolitics in hospitals” ( “La Cura: il Paziente X e la biopolitica negli...
A video about our participation to...
Just out in January 2012: “Societing Reloaded”. Available in all major online and offline bookstores. Curated by Alex Giordano and Adam Arvidsson, it features contributions by, Bernard Cova, Carolina Bandinelli, Barret Stanboulian, John Grant, Massimo...
Lately we’ve teamed up with an impressive series of partners to investigate on the future of our cities. On May 2nd – 4th we will be in Berlin for re:publica to gather up and summarize our efforts so far. Re:publica represents an enormous convergence of...
Is it possible to imagine ways to use ubiquitous technologies and the emergent narratives which take place on social networks to design cities using co-creation practices? On May 7th – 9th we will be in Florence at the ECLAP 2012 Conference on Information...