Just a quick note: AOS and FakePress will be in Mondovì from the 15th to the 19th of july for another edition of SMIR project. We will present a new version of the Squatting Supermarkets installation using augmented reality and computer vision technologies to...
A photo report of the presentation and lecture we held in Mondovì to present Squatting Supermarkets, in joining the SMIR european project. The art performance, technological platform and research process have all been presented to the local audience and to a few...
Squatting Supermarkets again in Mondovì with ToShare. We will be in Mondovì from Wednesday, 9th December to Sunday, 13th December, together with ToShare, tha Associazione Culturale Marcovaldo and the Town of Mondovì presenting Squatting Supermarkets at the – SMIR –...
The new ToShare website is up! You can check it out here on http://www.toshare.it We’re particularly happy both because it was a joint effort between Art is Open Source and because it is yet another beautiful collaboration that we’re bringing up with them....
We’re just back from the intense 4 days of the Live Performers Meeting 2009 where REFF (RomaEuropaFAKEFactory) held its new showcase. LPM2009 really has been full of surprises, and we were more than happy to share the spaces of the Brancaleone with over 300...
Just back from Turin where we joined our friends of the Share Festival in a wonderful s.valentine party. We presented “Loving the Crisis” an nstallation in which the characters of “Les Amants” by Magritte interpret the global flows of the...
We finally managed to get the next two interviews of the series “Interviewing the Crisis” ready in both English and Italian. The next two on the lineup are Marc Garrett and Simona Lodi Their points of view are quite interesting. I got to know (digitally,...