We finally managed to get the next two interviews of the series “Interviewing the Crisis” ready in both English and Italian.
The next two on the lineup are Marc Garrett and Simona Lodi
Their points of view are quite interesting.
I got to know (digitally, up to now) Marc by reading and writing on the NetBehaviour mailing list. It always amazed me about the openness of the approach that can be found on all the things he does, working together with the Furtherfield crew.
His interview is an incredible text that shows more than “art”, accessing dimensions that show how new practices can create a physical and networked-to-a-human-scale critique to the world that is around us. A use of networking that is centered on human beings that need/want to act/react. A form of life. Technology, network, sociality and positive attitudes as the necessary set of tools to confront the contemporary era.
I met Simona indirectly, as I used to playfully hack the ToShare website every year they made the call for submissions for the Share Prize. The yearly prank was called “IHackedTheTorinoShareWebsiteBecauseINeverWin”.
I loved doing that :)
Then I met her in Venice at the ahaCamping where I, together with penelope.di.pixel, presented a digital ecosystem and DegradArte, and she was coordinating an open roundtable on the possibilities for collaboration and networking between italian and international arts and cultural groups and organizations. Again, great openness, an incredibly smart attitude towards innovation and on the possibility to adopt new models for just about everything. And she was also the only one that laughed at my and penelope.di.pixel’s metaphysical jokes :)
Her interview scans the current situation from the point of view of a successful and truly innovative new media arts festival, and on the incredible initiatives that were born from it.
here you go:
Marc Garrett’s interview on ArtsBlog.it
and Simona Lodi’s interview on ArtsBlog.it
we are also starting to collect everything up on the Interviewing the Crisis website. Sorry it’s a bit untidy right now. We’re aiming at the most important things first: to collect all of these contributions, translating them, organizing them.
In the next few days we’ll have the next interviews. Stay tuned.