REFF AR Drug exhibits and actions on Hacker Journal

REFF AR Drug exhibits and actions on Hacker Journal

our dear penelope.di.pixel has written for Hacker Journal a wonderful article about the REFF Augmented Reality Drug and about the recent exhibit at Furtherfield Gallery in London. The AR Drug has also been recently on show at the Casoria Contemporary Arts Museum....
REFF on Tour. Ancona, Osimo, Macerata

REFF on Tour. Ancona, Osimo, Macerata

REFF, FakePress, AOS and Ossigeno present REFF on tour Ancona, Osimo, Macerata 30-31 marzo 2011 Just back from London REFF, the fake institution promoting from 2009 cultural policies, artworks and technologied inspired to the systhematic reinvention of reality, will...
REFF Augmented Reality Drug

REFF Augmented Reality Drug

REFF’s augmented reality doctor presents: REFF A/R Drug REFF A/R Drug is a powerful compund, mixing technologies, practices and neurostimulating ecosystems, and it allows you to reinvent your reality. learn more by visiting: