AOS and FakePress will be presenting REFF, RomaEuropa FakeFactory at the launch party for Firefox 4, in Rome, on April 15th 2011 learn everything about the event by clicking HERE
Collecting all the documentation from our recent visit to London, here are some considerations on our presentation at Queen Mary University for the self-org series of meetings. The meeting was specifically focused on the interesting intervention by David Vercauteren...
Art is Open Source, together with FakePress have recently participated at the ICALT conference, International Conference on Advanced Learning Technologies. We presented Toys++, an augmented reality system allowing you to apply digital contents to the toys people (and...
AT IAR2010 we did our presentation using a simple-simple software which I wrote using Processing. The software was written in a hurry in a single afternoon, so it turned out not being a general purpose utility, and being more a single-shot program usable to address...
Art is Open Source and FakePress participated to IAR2010, the first italian event totally dedicated to the themes of Augmented Reality, organized by the folks at JoinPad at the Milan headquarters of the Hub. The event was truly interesting as it covered a wide range...
DOWNLOAD THE FULL PROGRAM [ ENGLISH ] RomaeuropaFAKEFactory [REFF] presents [ REFF.erence ] Friday 20th and Saturday 21st, March 2009 @ Rome The international competition RomaEuropaFAKEFactory re-lauches in Rome on March 20th and 21st with two dense days dedicated to...