just a quick update, ad the wonderful organizers of the Milano in Digitale event just sent me the official pictures. Which, of course, are way better than mine, as I’m a lousy photographer. You get to see more of the OneAvatar performance. If you want to read...
We took OneAvatar at Milano in Digitale. The third edition of the Milano in Digitale competition was held at the Fabbrica del Vapore in Milan, an industrial complex restored by Milan’s public administration to host artistic and cultural projects. Organized by...
a visual reportage from the “Freedom not Fear” event in Rome. here is a report on ArtsBlog here is the story on NeRVi NoemaLabs published some info here are the...
Angel_F and SuperAvatar are scared. The lives of the young artificial intelligence and of theĀ avatar who escaped from virtual worlds have been endangeredĀ more than once by the control, that is constantly perpetrated on people’s information, habits and...
OneAvatar connects your body to your Avatar in virtual worlds. You and your Avatar will be finally one, sharing the same experiences even at physical level. You get hurt, you Avatar gets hurt. Your Avatar dies, you die. Connect to your avatar and watch out for...
2 part article on DigiCult Magazine, written together with my beloved mademoiselle penelope.di.pixel We speak about identity, body, artificial intelligence, avatars, cyborgs, and digital ecosystems. It’s the first article in which we spoke about NeoRealismo...
Famous people come back to life in the Online Virtual World of Second life, in the form of autonomous avatars conducted by artificial intelligence. A research on identity and on how people relate in the virtual environments that we find online and offline. Karl Marx,...