REFF, RomaEuropaFAKEFactory was featured in an article on Wired Italia, October 2009 issue
Great News for REFF, RomaEuropa FakeFactory! RomaEuropa Web Factory’s second edition is about to start up. REFF attended the press conference held at the Opificio Telecom in Rome, on Wednsday September 16h 2009, to check out the informations that were being...
DOWNLOAD THE FULL PROGRAM [ ENGLISH ] RomaeuropaFAKEFactory [REFF] presents [ REFF.erence ] Friday 20th and Saturday 21st, March 2009 @ Rome The international competition RomaEuropaFAKEFactory re-lauches in Rome on March 20th and 21st with two dense days dedicated to...
“I am Orson Welles. I never really wanted to join Roma Europa Web Factory. I understand the beauty and significance of a fake. As for my style, for my vision of the cinema, editing is not simply one aspect; it’s the aspect. Fake is as old as the Eden tree....
Andy Warhol – rejected from the RomaEuropaWebFactory Prize —– “I am Andy Warhol. I could not participate to RomaEuropaWebFactory. A fake, a fake, what is a fake, anyway? Nothing is real, the only real things are the... “I am William Burroughs. I could not participate to RomaEuropaWebFactory. Damn those bloody suckers couldn’t tell art if it hit them in the forehead. Deep shadows, close down over culture when culture is not able to catch up with the world it...