Join us at MAXXI B.A.S.E. (the research center of the MAXXI Museum in Rome) on April 29th 2014, at 6:00pm, in the Sala Graziella Lonardi Buontempo (via Guido Reni 4A, Rome) for a conversation on Transmedia Narratives, Design Fiction and the ways in which the idea of...
Simulacra Organize a fake holdup. Verify that your weapons are harmless, and take the most trustworthy hostage, so that no human life will be in danger (or one lapses into the criminal.) Demand a ransom, and make it so that the operation creates as much commotion as...
Nuclear Anxiety was featured today in an article by Simone Arcagni on the Nova technology insert of the italian newspaper “Il Sole 24 Ore”. Remember to participate to the global performance that will take place at the live performers meeting in Rome on May...
FakePress: the next step of publishing. The book explodes, and in this explosion its pieces disseminate, creating a new form of expression, a new way of writing onto the world. Not books anymore, at least not in the classical ordinary way. Books become disseminated...