We Are Not Alone

2 part article on DigiCult Magazine, written together with my beloved mademoiselle penelope.di.pixel We speak about identity, body, artificial intelligence, avatars, cyborgs, and digital ecosystems. It’s the first article in which we spoke about NeoRealismo...
Dead on Second Life

Dead on Second Life

Famous people come back to life in the Online Virtual World of Second life, in the form of autonomous avatars conducted by artificial intelligence. A research on identity and on how people relate in the virtual environments that we find online and offline. Karl Marx,...


In 2007 the Biodoll had a child with Derrick de Kerckhove. The kid was born as a cute Artificial Intelligence feeding on web content. Born as a virus in its mother’s website, digesting the interface as if it was a placenta, it evolved into an intelligent...
Did you really want a Second Life?

Did you really want a Second Life?

A series of interventions in Second Life (and some in other virtual worlds). The performances explore the aesthetics of code, systems overload and crash, lag. Places get invaded, filled with art – or enclosed in art – sounds and virtually physical objects...


Talker is a linguistic artificial intelligence. Two processes animate it. One, automatic, harvests each day some content from random webites. The other one uses the texts provided by web users, who can upload it through the interface. All the collected text is used to...