BodyQuake was featured at the Pordenone Design Week in an exhibit called Infoscapes curated by Pier Luigi Capucci, in the foyer of the Verdi Theater in Pordenone. Some info from Pier Luigi Capucci’s website: I have been invited, as in 2016, to Pordenone Design...
Data and information in multiple forms for Art is Open Source during the next few days! On March 11th we will be at BASE in Milan for the Visualized event, bringing people from all over the world to discuss the latest trends and challenges for Information...
Last days to join in for Ubiquitous Infoscape, our immersive workshop at UNIDEE, from May 4th to May 8th 2015, at Città dell’Arte, in Biella, Italy. During the workshop we will confront with the Ubiquitous Infoscape, the immersive and pervasive information...
A wonderful article has appeared on the blog of El Paìs describing the Enlarge Your Consciousness in 4 Days 4 Free project. Identities on sale: this is the main theme of the article, as suggested by the action through which we are trying to support the discussion on...
Get ready! Be quick! we’re launching the next edition of the LPM, the Live Performers Meeting: in Minsk, Belarus, on Sept. 22-25 2011. AOS will be coordinating the Sensible Data section of LPM: for this section the call is open to everyone who works with...