La Cura will be at the Festival della Creatività in Ariccia from 27 to 29 May 2016. More info here. We will be present there with a workshop titled “La Cura: Patient X and biopolitics in hospitals” ( “La Cura: il Paziente X e la biopolitica negli...
Join us in Calvanico in Italy from April 12 to 14 2015 together with the Rural Hub who made this possible, for an intensive workshop in which we will learn to use social networks to create hyper-connective human dynamics and relations, to promote wide, inclusive...
Art is Open Source will be at XY Lab in Puglia, from the 17th to the 31st of July, in the beautiful castle of Castrignano de’ Greci, for a massive workshop on knowledge, data, information, Human Ecosystems and the Near Future of Education. It will be the first...
We will be at I-Lab at Luiss University for a workshop on Near Future Design and the concept of Openness, on November 14th 2013, from 2pm to 6pm. Here is the EventBrite page for the workshop and here is the Facebook page for I-Lab Luiss, where you can know more. In...
The future of the city in Pompei, as created by high school students. You are invited to come at the event in which we will present the outcomes of our project in Pompei during which we invited high school students to create the digital future of their city. Click...
Art is Open Source interviews Dino Borri from Eataly Turin about the possible uses of Augmented Reality and other technologies to inform consumers and enact critical practices. more info on Squatting Supermarkets here: Squatting Supermarkets Squatting Supermarkets...
Just recovering from the enormous effort put in setting up, performing and taking down the Squatting Supermarkets at the Piemonte Share Festival 2009, “Market Forces”. Several thousands visitors, hundreds of customized food cans, hundreds of QRCodes...