How to make a presentation with Augmented Reality using Processing

How to make a presentation with Augmented Reality using Processing

AT IAR2010 we did our presentation using a simple-simple software which I wrote using Processing. The software was written in a hurry in a single afternoon, so it turned out not being a general purpose utility, and being more a single-shot program usable to address...

Angel_F @ NodeFest

Angel_F was featured at the Node Fest @ Forte Prenestino, in Rome on April 16th – 17th A book presentation and the interactive installation “my Ubiquitous Body” were shown Angel_F is a digital being whose body is built from the language formed by the...
The Life of Things: QRCode library for Processing, new version

The Life of Things: QRCode library for Processing, new version

Thanks to Rolf van Gelder of CAGE we have a new improved version of the Processing library to handle QRCodes we released a while ago Rolf implemented a couple of really useful new features: the function PImage generateQRCode(String content, int width, int height)...
the life of things

the life of things

the Life of Things lets you peek into the secret lives of products and objects by transforming their barcodes into generative digital lifeforms. done with Processing there also is a small library i wrote to integrate in processing sketches the ZXING barcode decoding...


A computer is interpreted as a body according to eastern theories and philosophies. The Chakras represent the components of the PC. When the computer reaches Chakra balance, it goes in Kundalini state, becoming connected to all the other ChakraPuters on the network....


The Internet as a universe. Dispersion harvests web links around the web, analyzes them and places them as planets in a digital universe. In this universe physical laws exist, based on similarity and content structure. Galaxies form, arranging similar web content...