ESA Conference 2010 @ Bocconi University

ESA Conference 2010 @ Bocconi University

We have recently been at the ESA Conference 2010 “Culture and the Making of Worlds” held at the Bocconi University in Milan during October 2010. The conference is one of the main events in the global research scenario of sociology. It is held by the...

Squatting Supermarkets

Squatting Supermarkets I Buying, wearing, eating, using. Our lives are full of objects of which we know very little about. Shop’s and supermrket’s shelves only tell partial stories made from companies, efficient productions, happy farmworkers laying down...

Squatting Supermarkets (italiano)

Squatting Supermarkets I Comprare, indossare, mangiare, usare. Le nostre vite sono piene di oggetti di cui sappiamo realmente poco. Gli scaffali di negozi e supermercati raccontano storie parziali, fatte di aziende, di produzioni efficienti, di contadini felici che...