Vacanza! (Holiday!) please join us at AHAktitude 2011 in Carrara, in April 01-02-03, 2011 AOS will present: Vacanza! a really relaxed Augmented Reality workshop at AOS (and in the other initiatives such as REFF and FakePress) we’ve been proclaiming the...
home sweet home, we’re back again. AOS participated to AHAcktitude 2009 in Milan, and it was a great experience. We presented Bluetooth Wars, a workshop in which the people were able to build their very own Bluetooth media server. This has many uses, ranging...
AOS wil be at the AHACKTITUDE meeting in Milan, on November 27-28-29 in Milan. We will present a really simple, but effective, project, called Bluetooth Wars We will analyze Bluetooth, a technology that is mostly used to connect devices to our mobile phones, but that...
We’re just back from the intense 4 days of the Live Performers Meeting 2009 where REFF (RomaEuropaFAKEFactory) held its new showcase. LPM2009 really has been full of surprises, and we were more than happy to share the spaces of the Brancaleone with over 300...
We are just back from the AHACamping, the first meeting of the AHA mailing list. The event was took place at the SALE Docks and it featured talks and performances on art, hacking, activism and critical theories on technology and on the ways in which they are...