Human Ecosystems

You can learn more about the Human Ecosystems project on its website:

The Human Ecosystems project is a city based project whose objective is to capture the myriads of micro-histories of citizens and city dwellers as they emerge, to describe the Third Infoscape of the city and its Relational Ecosystem.

This is done by harvesting data and information through social networks, smartphones, Internet of Things, domotics, wearables and all of those ubiquitous technologies which permeate our environments.

The data is transformed into a digital commons for the city, and can be used by anyone.

Human Ecosystems on Sao Paulo: the real-time museum of the city

Human Ecosystems on Sao Paulo: the real-time museum of the city

A Real Time Museum of the City is created, in which visitors can actively explore the data in the city and experience its Relational Ecosystem.

A wide, accessible, inclusive education process is started in the city ,and hosted in the museum, to teach everyone how to use all of this data: children, students, adults, elderly, artists, designers, researchers, teachers, entrepreneurs, policy makers, planners; to learn how to understand the city and its flows of communication, information and knowledge; to understand how to enact participatory decision making and policy shaping processes; to understand how to create engagement in citizens, and the ways in which it is possible to promote and support peer-to-peer organizational models, learning, mutualistic support; to create beautiful artworks and designs which use the micro-histories of the city and the topics, emotions and locations which they express; to perform research and collaborative action.

The project has been launched in various forms in cities like Rome, Lecce, Bari, Milan, Florence, Venice, Pisa, Reggio CalabriaBerlin, Budapest, London, Edinburgh, Toronto, New Haven, Sao Paulo.

Although it is mainly a city based project, it has been experimented in rural environments, such as here and here.

Human Ecosystems on AOS

HER She Loves Data in Rome, for a new school on AI and Data
Data, Data, Data: in Florence with InfoAesthetics, and in Milan with Visualized
Interconnected Brain, Augmented Sense-ability
Innovation and Transgression
Human Ecosystems and Ubiquitous Commons at the STARTS program in Brussels
HE and UC at StARTS exhibit - ICT2015, Lisbon 20-22 October
HUB - Human Ecosystems Bologna
Ubiquitous Commons at Smart City Exhibition in Bologna
Myriads, Trangression in the Post City: after Ars Electronica 2015
Ubiquitous Commons at Hybrid City conference in Athens: Data to the People
Myriads: transgression in the Post City
Ubiquitous Commons updates
Human Ecosystems at Expo Aquae, in Venice
The Third Infoscape Data, Information and Knowledge in the city. New paradigms for urban interaction.
Digital Media and Human-Machine Interaction
100 Women who are co-creating the P2P society
Ubiquitous Commons at the STARTS Symposium in Brussels, June 2015
3 days in London with Human Ecosystems, La Cura and Ubiquitous Commons: report
HE/BA: installation, workshop, talk at Festival dell'Innovazione in Bari
Near Future Design and Ubiquitous Commons at Wired NextFest
Festival dell'Innovazione: in Bari with Human Ecosystems and Nefula
Playing with Data: Ubiquitous Commons at King's College in London
Ubiquitous Infoscapes at UNIDEE
Ubiquitous Commons at Nexa Center for Internet & Society
Ubiquitous Commons at Cyber Resistance, in Milan
Ubiquitous Commons at NetFutures 2015
"Iperconnessioni Rurali": hyper-connectivity in rural space
Ubiquitous Commons: governance in the age of hyper-connectivity
AOS and Human Ecosystems at Media Arts Festival, with Fondazione Mondo Digitale
Multipli-cities: a festival in Rome, poliphonic visions on the city, Human Ecosystems
Stakhanov, a BigData god, predicts human futures
Periferica: Human Ecosystems workshops in Rome
Stakhanov: the BigData Oracle for a new era
Human Ecosystems in Reggio Calabria
Human Ecosystems: Digital Urban Acupuncture in Journal of Community Informatics
Human Ecosystems in New Haven
Art is Open Source and Human Ecosystems at Yale: some events
Images of the Human Ecosystems in Sao Paulo: the real-time museum of the city
One Million Dreams at the MakerFaire in Rome
Digital Urban Acupuncture at the Festival delle Generazioni 2014, in Florence
Human Ecosystems in Sao Paulo: the Real Time Museum of the City and Ubiquitous Commons
OneMillionDreams at File Festival 2014 in S. Paulo
10 Minutes in Detroit
Communication, Knowledge and Information in the Human Ecosystem: p2p Ethnography
The Real Time Museum of the City and the Ubiquitous Commons
XY: a Castle, a Lab and the Near Future of Education
A model of relations in Human Ecosystems: Relational Ecosystems
Human Ecosystems at TEDxDanubia
Micro Histories of cities and Ubiquitous Commons, at #visualize in Lecce
Augmented Reality Art: the Emotional Compass featured on a new book
Open Data as Culture: science, arts and technologies to co-create possible futures
One Million Dreams
Human Ecosystems at Artscaping Rome
Human Ecosystems at ArtSci Salon in Toronto
Ubiquitous Information in cities: the future of information
an Emotional Compass: new ideas for wayfinding in cities
The Third Infoscape: Michel De Certeau, Gilles Clément, Marco Casagrande and the re-creation of our cities
Human Ecosystems at the MACRO Museum of Rome for Aperitivi Formativi
Cultur+: an Office for the Ecosystem, for a Smart City and an even Smarter Community
Human Ecosystems in the news on "il Sole 24 Ore"
Innovation Ecosystems: the slides from our workshop at Internet Festival 2013
Innovation Ecosystems @ Internet Festival
EC(m1), on Il Manifesto: the Cultural Ecosystem of the City of Rome
Art, Future and Technologies at Provocazioni Festival, Acrobax
The Real-time Cultural Ecosystem of the City of Rome

Some Links

Human Ecosystems: the Relational Ecosystems of cities

Human Ecosystems on Twitter

Human Ecosystems on GitHub

The Images of the Real Time Museum in Sao Paulo

Human Ecosystems in New Haven

At York University

At Digital Cultural Heritage