BodyQuake at Infoscapes exhibit, at Pordenone Design Week

BodyQuake at Infoscapes exhibit, at Pordenone Design Week

BodyQuake was featured at the Pordenone Design Week  in an exhibit called Infoscapes curated by Pier Luigi Capucci, in the foyer of the Verdi Theater in Pordenone. Some info from Pier Luigi Capucci’s website: I have been invited, as in 2016, to Pordenone Design...
Love VS Turin at MAC, the Contemporary Art Museum of Lissone

Love VS Turin at MAC, the Contemporary Art Museum of Lissone

Versus, Love VS Turin, will be presented at MAC, Contemporary Art Museum of Lissone. Selected by curator Cecilia Guida from the ArtHub archives for the exhibit “C’è una piccola radice che, se la masticate, vi spuntano le ali immediatamente”, the...
Nuclear Anxiety

Nuclear Anxiety

These are really complex days. The earth itself seems to be revolting. Together with its people: Tunisia, Egypt, Libya, Syria. Chernobyl nuclear disaster is still in our minds and in the continuous stream of information coming from the media that anyone who lived...
New scenarios for education and action: back from Milan

New scenarios for education and action: back from Milan

Just back from the Always Already New conference in Milan. (here the abstracts of the contributions to the conference) The conference subtitle “Thinking Media, Subversing Feeling, Scaffolding Knowledge: Art and Education in the Praxis of Transformation”...

Publishing emotions

I was always facinated by We feel Fine by Jonathan Harris and Sep Kamvar. The possibility to design using emotions has always intrigued me and, yet, it seemed like an unachievable task. The notion of being able to identify emotions in an automatic (or assisted) way is...

Parametric Year

A toy for a happy new year! Just choose what you would like to receive for your new year, and let the web give it to you! make your wishes come true at: > website also seen at: > Flickr > > > Phuket...