HUB – Human Ecosystems Bologna

HUB – Human Ecosystems Bologna

After its very first launch in Rome in September 2013 with EC(m1), after the Festival dell’Innovazione in Bari, Human Ecosystems goes back to Italy with a new project sponsored by the City of Bologna, with the support of ANCI – National Association of...
Ubiquitous Commons at Smart City Exhibition in Bologna

Ubiquitous Commons at Smart City Exhibition in Bologna

Data as Commons. This will be the focus of our intervention at Smart City Exhibition 2015 in Bologna, on October 16th 2015, at 9:30. What happens when data becomes a commons? How can we build the high quality relational environment which is needed for citizens to...
Myriads, Trangression in the Post City: after Ars Electronica 2015

Myriads, Trangression in the Post City: after Ars Electronica 2015

Some times has passed after Ars Electronica 2015, and our participation to its exhibit and to education programme with the Myriads project, part of the Human Ecosystems and of the Ubiquitous Commons. In this post we wish to share some images from the exhibit, some...
A model of relations in Human Ecosystems: Relational Ecosystems

A model of relations in Human Ecosystems: Relational Ecosystems

We just published an article on Human Ecosystems in which we describe the ways in which we can model the relationships in the Relational Ecosystems of cities. The article is titled: Relations in the Human Ecosystems: Cultures, Communities, Roles and Emergence and you...
Human Ecosystems at Artscaping Rome

Human Ecosystems at Artscaping Rome

After launching the Human Ecosystems project in Toronto and setting up for its execution in Montreal, we will present it at Artscaping Rome, on February 20th 2014, at 5:30pm, at the Caffè Letterario, together with IED, Federculture and Fondazione Romaeuropa. In this...
Human Ecosystems at ArtSci Salon in Toronto

Human Ecosystems at ArtSci Salon in Toronto

The Human Ecosystems project is going to Toronto, at the Fields Institute for Research in Mathematical Sciences for ArtSci Salon, to start the real-time observation of the city, and for a first workshop on real-time cities, ubiquitous information, commons and the new...
an Emotional Compass: new ideas for wayfinding in cities

an Emotional Compass: new ideas for wayfinding in cities

Why would we need an Emotional Compass? And, first of all, what is an Emotional Compass? [vimeo] “The map is not the territory.” – A. Korzybski   “The map is not the thing mapped.” – E.T. Bell   “The tale is the map that...
Potenza Goes Smart

Potenza Goes Smart

We’ve been invited to be part of the Jury of the PotenzaApp competition, to create smartphone applications for the city of Potenza which are capable of promoting smart, innovative models and practices for the city. This initiative falls under the larger one...